Sonar/pc vs MOTU/Mac


New member
Ok, i just checked both of these out today...first off, the sales people at the two stores i went to were TOTALLY unhelpful...actually, the S.A. people were more helpful...but thats another story....anyway, i am really torn between Sonar3 Producer and Motu DP.....which one do you guys recommend and if you could, can you give us newbies a run down of your personal setups, everything would really help alot. I am not used to macs, so i like the idea of using a pc with sonar, but EVERYBODY and their mother is telling me to buy a G5 and use MOTU...i also need some suggestions on a synth...i have space constraints so i like the idea of the KORG MIcroKontrol but i wouldnt know what to use it with....hmmm, so i need a pc or mac, a synth, a board ie tascam fw1884, moses, my wife is going to kill me!!!!!! any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
DP has a *much* nicer, more streamlined interface. Easier to work with. As far as the overall quality between the two, that'll be for other forumgoers to discuss.

synth - how long you been recording ?
totally torn eh ?
with respect youve been sold on marketing that you need all this
stuff. make your wife happy , save somedoigh to take her out
and get a athlon barebones clone at 2ghz , stick a decent sound card in it , and a couple of fast drives in it and multitrack software like or n track or powertracks (29 bucks)
or traktion. read my other posts on this bbs cos i'm tired of retyping the same stuff.
with respect ive owned 3 recording studios in the last 25 yrs take heed - all that i listed excluding sound isabout 500
bucks for 48 track multitrack recording.
i wouldnt buy a g5 , but then i'm a computer engineer !
by theway

ask mr everybody and their mother to come and tell me why a G5
is better. i know some seasoned computer engineers even with more experience than i who would find it highly amusing.
we were developing hardware when most on this bbs today were hardly a blush on their mothers face.....
well got a g5 here with motu, a g4 with digidesign and for the firsttime in my life...a pc with digidesign....

well....mac are in the studio earning their money back, and the pc has become the base of internet/administration and occasionally editing on which one is the best...for me the macs, but that's because they were bought to do the audio job and nothing more than that.....when burning cd's, they're only burning cd's....

pc was put to the test hehe....internet adsl connection heavily downloading, spider solitaire (way cool!) converting dvd, photoshop and burning a 50x cdr one failure disk....mac has never outputted one bad disk (of several 1000nds).....but as I stated, the mac has never and will be never put on such a test...

so what's best? beats me
synth73, welcome to our family here at HR.COM. ;)

We will help you come to the best conclusion, however.....

You will need to let us know:

How much do you want to spend?

How much will your wife let you spend?

How many INPUTS/OUTPUTS will you need?

Where will you be doing your post production?

What are you trying to accomplish musically?

What type/s of music are you creating?

Will you be creating music for yourself or for/with the general public?

What is your knowledge/skill level?

Answering those questions will give us a platform to start sculpting with. (I know that you are not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition :eek: ;) )



the BEST configuration for elite high quality recording imho.
but i'm just a dumb computer engineer.
1.athlon 3ghz system with fast drives (2)
2.rme or lynx sound interface
3.mic locker - 441's, royer, beyer ribbons, coles 4038,
and some studio projects mics or some other cheaper mics , maybe throw in a few SM7's
4.mic pre's - hardy, sytek, great river or cheaper fmr preamps
or vtb1 (129 bucks ?) or if you wanna spend 2500 bucks on a pre
check out the one the pro's love , DACS pre's.
5. software - suoperb packages for under 100 bucks. as many tracks as you can handle or your system
n track, powertracks, magix audio studio,,
thank god someone ie YOU knows their stuff. congrats downside.
BUT as always got a cheap mic pre alternative. check out
the benchmark media pre's sometime. 100 bucks but you got a bit of soldering to do.
In reply......

thanks Spinster i will try to convey what i need...First of all, my knowledge is NILL.....the last time i used a sequencing program was back in 92 or 93...sequencer plus gold with a Korg M1...ancient history and i forgot everything that i learned!!! My budget is around 10,000$ maybe even 15,000$ for, interface, synth, software, board, etc.... The kind of music i would like to record would have a lot of synth and guitar in it, and i have a line 6 vetta 2 combo so i can record digitally or analog, but i do want to record analog stuff too, ie percussion, vocals....the music is sonic youth meets depeche mode meets alice in chains....a little midi mixed in with old fashioned geetar and drums....Like i said, i tried to play around with MOTU and Sonar, these salespeople at the stores are clueless to people's needs. I couldnt even get either program to work because niether were hooked up in the store. I would love a program that i could just record drums either in step time or using loops, lay guitar/synth/vox over in an easy, no hassle , uncomplicated way. My choice of software will determine what computer i purchase, as this new computer will only be used for music. Like i said, my knowledge is next to nothing, so when explaining, please assume i am a total moron...which after a few more of my posts you wont have to assume anymore!!! Im still curious as to what kind of setups you guys have...
thanks again