Sonar LE 8.5 + Roland SD-50


New member
Hi everybody,

I'm pretty new in this world of making music with computers and stuff... I received a Mobile studio canvas ''SD-50'' (Calkwalk by Roland) with Sonar LE 8.5 last christmas. Unfortunatly, I don't really have time to play with this! Besides that, I don't really know how it works. So I'm juste wondering if someone could help me with that. I must say that I have knowledge in music. I have been playing the piano for 8 years. So talking about chords. basse lines, scales and all that stuff is not a problem for me. But anyway, I just want someone to teach me how Sonar and the SD-50 work. I've read some of the tutorials included in the DAW, but that's not enough.

I would be glad to exchange my msn with someone else.

I will ask my first question here : How can I record electric guitar using my SD-50 as a sound card. I now how to plug it and everything, but when I press the ''part'' button 3 times on the SD-50, I can't crank up the volume using the ''sens'' button... It doesn't do anything.

Thanks for your help!

P.-S. I'm sorry if some of my sentences aren't grammatically good. English is not my first language so I guess that you can understand the situation :)!