Sonar: Is there a way to stop the tempo?

El Barto

New member
Is there a way to stop the tempo from playing at a certain point while recording? When I'm recording my acoustic guitar tracks, you can faintly hear the ticking coming out of the headphones as the guitar fades out. What I've been doing it setting the tempo to 8 right before I hit the last note, but I'd rather just kill it completely. Is this possible? :confused:

Oh, you mean the metronome?

So, you're using the metronome in the phones to keep synched to the recording as you play? Presumably then you don't have any other rhythmic tracks -- drums -- laid down yet. Personally, I find it simplest to have the rhythm track at least partially assembled before I record any guitar or vocals, it just seems unnatural otherwise. If you do this, you don't need the click, so you can just turn it off.
I've had to ride the click in the phones to keep it from bleeding out of the drumer's cans during breaks or at the end decay out.
They like it loud sometimes. :D
Go to options - project - Metronome tab - uncheck metronome for record

LOL, that was 3 yrs ago. Maybe he's figured out he needs headphones that don't bleed or turn the playback volume down. :)

Welcome to the site, Poet!!! :)