Sonar/Delta 66 = no MIDI?


New member
Ok….. I’m finally up and running in Sonar 2.2XL via my Delta 66/Omni studio. It appears that the main problem was that to test my soundcard/Sonar settings, I was trying to play one of the Tutorial files included w/ Cakewalk. I now think that it would not play them back because these are MIDI files and the Delta 66 does not support MIDI. I am able to record and playback Audio files.

Am I correct in this? Or did I do something that fixed the problem? (I’ll have to go test whether I still cannot play the tutorials, but I don’t think so)…. Also I understand I can’t use the metronome feature.

Now I was wondering if there were a way to get these to play? Software or HW solution? Shouldn’t I be able to use MIDI options of Sonar? MIDI effects etc? Or will nothing resembling MIDI be able to play back through my sound card?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The Daelta has no MIDI hardware, neither a MIDI interface (a port to let MIDI messages in and out of the computer) or a MIDI synth.

MIDI messages must have something to respond to them. That is what gets heard. It's as if you said "play a C sharp above middle C" and I hit the note on my guitar. If I'm not there to hear you say that, you don't hear the C sharp.

Your choices are:

(1) Use a softsynth for the MIDI tracks. SONAR comes with a few. These will play notes etc. in response to the MIDI messages in the MIDI tracks and the sound will come out the audio outs of the Delta. This is the cheapest approach, you already have all you need, at least to hear the files.

(2) Get a MIDI interface and an external MIDI instrument. There are many MIDI interfaces available that you can use through the USB port, through a serial or parallel port, or on a PCI card if you still have an open slot. There are tons of good MIDI synths aialable in the form of MIDI keyboards or box-only sound modules.

Also note that if you want to record MIDI data, you will also need some kind of MIDI keyboard or controller to send MIDI messsage into the computer as well; in that case a MIDI keyboard with sounds on it makes the most sense. If you have an external module and just need a controller, or if softsynths fill all your needs, there are MIDI keyboards that are controllers only with no sound on board.