Somewhere Over The Rainbow

I think you need to bring the guitar down into the mix more loveofjazz because it sounds at the moment as though you're playing you're guitar with a cd on in the background.

The bass needs bringing up a bit and given an EQ boost because it sounds a little weedy at the moment rather than bossing the rhythm of the song as I think it should.

Agreed on the drums, the cymbals dominate too much and the rest need a little more punch because they're lost.

Performance sounds good though, and I reckon you could improve it a lot by working on the mix.
Thanks for the input, robgreen.

The first attempt at a mix was rushed. I ran the drums as a stereo track with very little manipulation. It showed.

Went back and slightly compressed and tamed the bass, panning it dead center.

Placed the guitar dead center as well, then copied the track twice...panned them hard right and left. Added slapback to the tracks panned left & right, then brought their volumes down to match everything up.

Routed each drum in Superior Drummer to it's own track in Reaper, then compressed and EQ'd as needed. Managed to bring down the cymbal domination as well as fatten up the snare some.

Ran some Stillwell VST's (compression and EQ) on the main buss along with PSP's Vintage Warmer. I don't think I -needed- Vintage Warmer so much as I really like what it does to just about everything I apply it to.

Deleted the last upload and replaced it with the current one...
SoundClick artist: J Moody - page with MP3 music downloads

Overall, I feel it's improved but it's still missing some liveliness and body in the mids.

Thoughts, robgreen? I welcome y'all's input.
Mix two sounds much, much better loveofjazz. I still reckon you could have room to go even further with the punch on your bass and the kick/snare (except on the fills) given how laid back the parts themselves are but good work - glad to have been a help.

I always loved Charles Mingus though, and wish every jazz tune had his driving bass style - so feel free to disregard if it doesn't suit the style you're after ;)