something totally different from me:


New member
Hi guys, I recently recorded my dad and his friend for a short 3 song demo and I've finished the first song (I think hehe):

It's 2 acoustic guitars, one male vocal and a software cello in backing. The lead guitar was a joy to record as it had a preamp so I micd it with my trusty V67 AND took a signal DI to mix them together!

You can find the song here:

It's called The Diceman - let me know what you think about the mixing! (and the song if you like!)

Thanks as always guys...
any input is welcome as I don't ever record acoustic stuff! only metal ... so this is new territory for me
This is nice, man!
Sound is kind a special. I liked it a lot. One guitar muddy the other one sharp sounding.
Nicely mixed too. Maybe you could improve your cello sample (if I have to be too picky)
Catchy song!
Docaroo said:
Hi guys, I recently recorded my dad and his friend for a short 3 song demo and I've finished the first song (I think hehe):

It's 2 acoustic guitars, one male vocal and a software cello in backing. The lead guitar was a joy to record as it had a preamp so I micd it with my trusty V67 AND took a signal DI to mix them together!

You can find the song here:

It's called The Diceman - let me know what you think about the mixing! (and the song if you like!)

Thanks as always guys...

I´m without my monitors ,then I prefer don´t make deep technical analysis...(but...hey,acoustic guitar sounds good! (0.12 or more?) .I´m relating this cause many guys talk bad things about V67 micing ac guitars, and you´re here to prove contrary :cool: ).

Music sounds very good too.The singer (dad?) reminds me instantly...Gilbert 'O sullivan (who has more than 40 know him...).
Very cool and well done. Good vox and gound sound in general. It may be a tad hot as it's close to distorting here and there. Cello sample is fine. :cool:
Docaroo. That's a great song. Sounds well mixed to me -- except that the vox could be a bit drowned by the gats.

As for the song. Made me smile. I can't help thinking, however, that the content doesn't quite sit with the style. For me the content -- and melody actually -- is begging for a bit more omph! Not necessaily full-on rock, but not quite a folky sound.

Might be worth experimenting with a racier arrangement one day.

Thanks for the listens guys - aspiring that was the one thing I thought I could work on, the vox coudl be a bit brighter so I'll try that! I didn't really need to do too much to it as it recorded really well! Infact, I could have literally not mixed at all and just posted that - such a breeze!

Don't write of the V67 lol!!

MY dad does the lead guitar lines and his friend is the singer/songwriter (Dad is kinda guest musician) and I guess so am I because I played the Cello on keyboard hehe...

I was thinking of doing a version with subtle drums but I'm not too sure - I might try this on one of his other songs, I think this one is fine without the drums!