Something quick and silly

Interesting. Reminds me a lot of CCR, mixed in with Rafferty

The guitar solo has too much processing IMO.
Your drummer doesn't sound very inspired. :)

02:16 = Free... :)

Great Vocals! I enjoyed the song a lot.

I liked the intro alot. The far away guitar on the left and the right guitar playing its own thing. Cool.

Very good vocal. Very convincing singer. IMO, I think the vocal could be a little bit less reverbed, otherwise, I think its perfect.

Bascally, I think its a very good mix but that the instruments could be more upfront.

Keep it up
Great, psmith! Are you a Clapton fan... I heard a little '70's/'80's era Slowhand in there...

I liked the song, particularly. I agree with Emeric on the solo guitar sound. I'm a purist, so I tend towards vintage sounds and not synthie sounds. Also, I'd take the level down a touch on the high hat, as it gets a little distracting.

Otherwise, cool! Great vocals!

Thanks for listening guys

Emeric, the biggest problem I had was tracking that guitar lead - funny since it's a pretty basic riff underneath - can't say I disagree with your assessment. Actually, I would prefer to put a Dr. John type piano, or Clarence Clemens sax, in the break instead of guitar - or at least follow it with a better tone guitar. The drummer's name is fruity and I've pretty much given up on him - he'll have to do until someone else comes along - I have no patience for drum programming. Free? I'm busted! But it wasn't originally intended! Hey, you're allowed to steal every now and then right? Who better than Andy Fraser and Paul Kossof?

CyanJaguar, appreciate the useful comments - I see where you're coming from. As for the intro, I like things which create contrast - I hope the start of the main riff surprised you - that was the intention.

PeteAnon, I love Clapton and he was definitely in my mind with this one - but only from a vocal perspective - his vocal style is what I would envision as appropriate for this song. As for purity, I'm thinking of covering a Freddie King tune - perhaps Sweet Home Chicago.

Guys, I am shocked you didn't nail me on the vocals. My wife laughs her ass off whenever she hears me sing (especially when I'm monitoring through the cans and she doesn't hear any music).

Glad you liked the song itself. Thanks again for listening - comments that I can apply.
I thought this song was quite catchy.Had it in my head all night at work.
Just a couple things:It seemed that the panning was a little lopsided,especialy in the intro where the lead guitar was way off on one side.
I didn't think the drums sounded too bad.Maybe just throw a few
fills and variations in to make them more realistic.
IMHO,the little part that sounded like Free did nothing but
distract from an otherwise solid blues song.Just a thought.
Keep up the good work!!!
Guys, I am shocked you didn't nail me on the vocals. My wife laughs her ass off whenever she hears me sing (especially when I'm monitoring through the cans and she doesn't hear any music).

Haha! Yeah I hear ya wife and three daughters laugh at me trying to sing all the time, it used to piss me off a little but now I just laugh with'em :D. But I thought your vocals sounded good to me, fit the song I thought. Good song man keep them blues a commin! David...
beezelbubba, in hindsight the "Free" break isn't in the spirit of the tune. I actually have two or three other TOTALLY different parts which I had tried for those bars but couldn't come up with anything that had the proper flow - I was trying to build it up but it obviously didn't work as you are only one of several to mention how outaplace it is. As for the panning - I NEED STUDIO MONITORS! Next purchase (when?) will be a pair of probably Tannoys or something economical. This was mixed at low volume on a twenty year old boombox and a $50 pair of cans. Then again, I'd have probably mismatched it in any case (no excuses). Thanks man, your comments were very constructive.

David, at least my two kids aren't old enough to laugh at my singing (but they're getting close)! Thanks for the comments - I'm flirting with a trad blues cover (albeit a "modern white blues" version). But the blues recorded with artificial drums? Pods? Umm - don't know about that. Oh well, I'll probably do it anyway.

Thanks for listening. :)
I haven't had any luck with nowhere radio for some reason. I can't get anything to work. I'll try again later

Ray J
Hey Hey!

Cool song...I thought the vocals had a Neil Young kind of angst to it. I was expecting a 1-4-5 progression, and it was refreshing to hear that it did not happen.

Being a lyricist, I thought the lyrics were well put together.
My only beef I suppose would be that an acoustic drum set would've sounded better (I'm one to talk):rolleyes:
And some backing percussion would've punched it up a bit. Oh yeah..Horns would've sounded cool, but this IS Home Recording,
so who cares?...

Good job there, Smitty...Now go and have anudder doughnut, eh?

Ray J - would have loved to hear your comments. Too bad the site wouldn't cooperate.

Dougie - after hearing your stuff, I was a little hesitant about reading your comments on mine. You're a kind man, Douglas.

Yeah, I could think of a lot of instruments that could improve this song - but I'm trying to minimize the use of Fruity Loops to just "drums" - lord knows I'm having my problems there. As stated above, I think the guitar lead should be replaced with another instrument (I've got an old accordian lying around, but......). Horns and piano throughout would be awesome!

As for the ascending progression, I ripped it off of "Trampled Underfoot". Sounds nothing like it, but it's the same root pattern.

Thanks for listening man.


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Help with NoWhere

Hey Ray J,

Anything I can do to help ya with the site, just shout. First questions I would ask are what operating system, browser, and type of system you have, as well as what type of internet connection. Next I would ask what version of Windows Media Player you are running. And lastly, what error messages, if any are you getting when you attempt playback/download?

of NoWhere Radio
Sounds cool, I know where you are coming from with the drums sounds. Not sure what kind of sound card you are running, but there are some pretty good sounding soundfonts out there. You can check out my latest post for a sample. But overall, I think it is an excellent effort. I also like the intro A-guitar stuff..very cool sounding..

Very nice, good structure, sounds good. I think the solo doesn't sound too bad, although cleaner may have been better. The bit where it changed was cool, I guess that's the bit that sounds like 'free' (never heard it don't think, too young? :)). I'm sure it won't be too hard for you to come up with something original which does as good a job in there.

psmith66 --

Hey man, I enjoyed your tunes! Your vocals sound fine to me -- I thought I detected a little Roy Orbison in there.

Your sound has a real authentic quality to it -- keep up the good work!

First off, thanks for taking the time to listen. I am currently on vacation, using a PC without speakers. I'll be able to listen to the new posts when I get back home next week.

Bassman, I'm using a "state of the art" $25 SB Ensoniq 16 bit card. No place to go but up!

Jags, you've gotta check out Free's "All Right Now". It's a classic. Kossof's (RIP) playing is so so sweet.

spweedah, "authentic" is a real compliment. Thks.

Teresa, glad you liked it - looking fwd to checking out your post.

Gotta go to the beach with the wife and kids. Life is tough.:)

Good work, you can add my name to the 'back off the reverb on the vocals' list, tho.

(I, too, have been guilty of that crime:( )

There was a section where I thought the lead guitar was a bit too processed, I kinda like my blues with old fashioned dirt.

Still, overall, good song.

Wow.....nice guitar work.....on both tunes!

The vocals are strong but a little stiff sounding to me.

How'd you get that sound near the end? (on "Nobody Home")