something old something new.......


New member
I found an old TEAC 2340 reel to reel 4 track in mint,barely used condition in a local pawn shop a couple months ago and finally got around to doing some recording on it. A local folk acoustical type group came in to do a demo and it seemed like the perfect project to give it a go.

This is just a cover of the old James Taylor tune Fire and Rain.
I cut the tracks on the old analog beastie then dumped them into CoolEdit Pro to do the rest of the chores.Please tell me what you hear,I have been screwing with this all day and my ears are numb.The link will take you to a funky green page,the mp3 link is the only tune there so far.

peace,and have a great day!..........L

fire and rain
Liked it, but the harmonies seemed a bit off.

And damn is that's a slow server you're on. I have a T3 connection here at work and it took me over 3 minutes to download.

good work :)

Thanks for the reply. The server has seemed slow for the last couple of days,took me a long time to upload last night.

Yea, I noticed the harmony too,the backup guy definately isn't as good as the lead vocalist,I think I may turn him down in the mix a little more.

Have a great day!
i really like it......harmonies are off a tad but you know that now.....

i probably woulda brought the 2 guitar parts in a bit...when they are playing basically the same part ill pan em wide but when they are playing 2 different parts like this i like to bring them in some......and during the solo i woulda put that dead center and went full stereo with the rhythm part.....

overall great job...big JT fan here !
i am listening again and these guys really nailed it...i think i like their version better if you get the lead guy to do the harmony also.....
Thanks for the feedback,Gidge.I may just jump in and redo the harmony myself.These guys just kind of come and go when they need a demo done,so I probably won't see them again for another 6 months or so."It's good enough to get some gigs booked" and off they go.I was just piddling with these tracks to see how well this old analog "dinosaur" to integrate into my setup. God,I hadn't spun a set of reels for well over 10 years until now.

BTW,the mandolin player just turned 16 years old,I think.I know he is a real young pup to be playing so well

have a great day!.............L
im 33 and didnt even pick up that it was a mandolin:D

i was thinking capo'd guitar...damn im stupid.....
LOL,that may be my fault.I hope I didn't mangle the sound of it too badly.It's just one of those instruments I have rarely ever recorded.

I have a version of them doing "West Texas Highway" by Lyle Lovett I am going to remix soon,maybe even lay down a little B-3 in the background.The kid whipped out this little electric mandolin that looked like a mini Telecaster with a lipstick tube pickup and said "where should I plug this in? I thought a minute and told him to plug it into my Marshall. We came up with a unique tone to say the least............L
Scott and Tex,thanks for the replies.Yea,Tex,I had to use the hiss reduction in CEP on a couple of the tracks and a little 60hz notch on some of it to reduce the noise,but I am having a lot of fun with the old thing.Hell,I only gave 70 bucks for it.

have a great day...........L