something i said


something i said in the mud caught her ear
later, she texted me out of context about it
try as i might i could not recall the riff
something about a game
i think

the words flew so fast it was like a mind meld
everything made sense in the moment
and a big laugh ensued followed by knowing looks of satisfaction
because behind the clicker stood a clown with a witch in his mouth

looking like a million bucks i took my leave from this din
off to the pumpkin party
no one is going to touch my gown tonight
no one

i look so cool and feel it too
just look at this fall
it floored them all as soon as i appeared
they all came like mice to a cheese wheel to lay the gold on my toe

oh how i took it all in and claimed it as a win
i wore out the dance crew
nothing new
been there done that
in the sun on Tuesday