Something about Compresing, eqing and dynamics


New member
ok yeah im new to this kinnda, Do i Compress all the instruments and how much do to make them sound good and not sound like shit. i kinnda know what eq does but i dont know where to apply it at when needed. And dynamics i dont know crap about....Also i wanna know the proper way to mix and edit? do i mix wit real low volume? Do i compress first or eq first or what i dont know really anything? maybe this should be in the newbies lol well whats your Techniquies? lol
I don't think I have the energy to answer all that. Nor do I even have all the answers. Do a search for these topics individually. For a good starting point, read the tutorials on the site.
Cheap Books Tp Buy For Help With This

There are 2 series of cheap books ($10-$13) that gave me practical, good advice on dynamics processing & mixing. The first is a series by Bill Gibson called "Sound Advice on...". There's "Sound Advice on Mixing", Sound Advice on Compressors, Limiters, Gates..." The examples he uses in these books are great & the book comes with a CD so that you can actually hear what he means in audio examples.

The other series is by Paul White (these books are around the same price) called "Basic Mixing Techniques" and "Basic Effects & Processors." There are other titles in this series as well.

Studying these books and listening closely to the audio examples really helped move from a whack engineer of my own music to 'not too shabby' It's all about trial & error and learning by actually doing, but the books will really help you get the lay of the land & provide you with a jumping off point.

Mountainmirrors said:
...and please, please do not. Under any circumstances use the terms,

"That being said, ..." or "Having said that,..."
Hey! What the hell am I supposed to use?

That being said, I guess I use those terms an awful lot...

Having said that, maybe I'll start using "inasmuch as" again...
Massive Master said:
Hey! What the hell am I supposed to use?

That being said, I guess I use those terms an awful lot...

Having said that, maybe I'll start using "inasmuch as" again...

Having not said that, I feel pretty good about myself!
....and, indeed, reiterating, that at the end of the day when all is said and done, insofar as all can be said and done in the light of the fact that it seems we haven't said that....
To answer your question, you should compress all instruments by at least 30% if you live in the Northern Hemisphere and a little more if you're south of the line. In terms of EQing, if you apply the Fibonacci Sequence to the positions of your EQ knobs for any stringed instruments, and add about 20dB of 2K with a Q of .1 for everything else, I'm sure your work, when broadcast, will get you some attention.

Good luck and let us know how it all goes.
ok well im working with cooledit pro 2.0 i dunno if they have a thing were it tells u the singals u are using while lost when it comes to signals and freqs