Some thoughts on product demos.


New member
I'm always on the lookout for audio product demos. These days there are so many interesting and cool new mics and other things coming out but the question is always how do they sound? They hype everything up as being the revolutionary next big thing, but they almost never give any demo of it , or example of why its supposed to be so great.
Sometimes they do have a demo and here's my other frustration. The singer in these demos is always VERY amateurish sounding, and when I say "amateur" I'm putting it very nicely. How am I supposed to judge how good the product is (mic, preamp, compressor ect) when it sounds so awful nothing could make it sound good? To me the logical solution for these companies is whenever they come out with a new product they should hire some true professional singers to test it and make a professional sounding demo. Like tried and true pro session vocalists, classically trained singers, pro opera singers, or one of those intense gospel choir singers who can sing like there's no tommorow. Just find someone who can really make the product shine and seem amazing! Shouldn't that be obvious??
You don't see guitar companies come out with a new guitar model called the "The Joe Schmo edition" and have it demoed by some random guy who can't play that well. But that's basically what these other companies are doing. The guitar companies have it right, they have their gear represented by the top amazing players.