Some setup tips for new Cubase LE4 users


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm pretty new here, but I've run into, and been able to fix, several issues I had with my Cubase LE4 installation. My copy of Cubase LE4 came packaged with a PreSonus Firebox, but I thought it might be useful for other folks too, so here it is!

The first thing you'll need to do is install the software from the installation disc and follow the setup instructions to activate your license. Read the manuals for this one, and pay very close attention to the initial setup info in there. My biggest beef with the program was that it wasn't ready to use right after installation, but follow those instructions and you'll be good to go. Next I installed a few of the VSTs that came packaged with my stuff and activated those.

After I used the program for a little bit I noticed that it would just shut down or hang after a bit. Some searching on the Steinberg website pointed me towards an update and additional hotfix. It can be downloaded from here:

I installed the update first, followed by the HotFix. Finally, I fired Cubase up and started getting messages telling me that my HALionONE VST could not be found. This was not cool, since I want to use it for drums and synth etc. Damn! A little further searching on Steinberg's site says that they consolidated the location of the HALion stuff for use by multiple programs. What that basically means is that they moved it. So I tracked down a standalone HALionONE installation here:

Installed that, all should now hopefully be good. Load Cubase into an empty project works just fine. But when I open an existing project I get some weird message saying "Class Not Found". Clicking the Help button brings up the License Control Center help

Looking back at the Hotfix page I see that it says I have to reinstall the latest version of the LCC after doing the update. Well ok. I found that here:

Everything now seems to be working crash free (I hope it stays that way).

I hope this might help some of you out there who've experienced some trouble with your Cubase LE4.