Some Questions


New member
Whew, thank god I found this board. Exactly what I needed. Pasted from my other forums:

Hey guys I plan on getting this setup soon:

Guitar>Line 6 Guitarport>Comp + SM57 Mic

Im going to use Fruity Loops for the drum tracks. And I planned on using Cakewak (Sonar 5 Producer Edition) for the recording or w/e. But it seems that Cakewalk doesnt support my onboard sound or something. It doesnt really work too well. So should I get an alternate program or buy a new soundcard? This program looks really complicated anyway, but I dont mind spending a bit of money on a new card. So can you guys link me to a good sound card for this? Btw I have 5.1 Longitech speakers that arn't working. (Only 3 of them) Im assuming its because of the Onboard sound. So it has to support them also.

I hope theres someone on here that knows a bit about comps. :p

Update: Im going to need a sound card anyway for my SM57 (Correct?) Well w/e I'm still just going to get a new one to avoid further problems. And I think I found a decent sound card, give me your opinions on it:

Also, any other criticism, comments, etc, on my setup would be appreciated.
Check the cakewalk website for compatability issues with your computer and sonar. Some machines just will not run Sonar at all. I unfortunately had one of those machines. So before you go out and spend money on what you think may be a solution try to figure out what the problem really is. You could end up blowing a lot of money trying to get something to work that never will.
And if you are having trouble, just contact Cakewalk support. They'll help you get to the root of the incompatibility.