Some Questions concerning techno music and some basics


New member
Hey all :)

Lately I've really been trying to decide what kind of music I wanted to produce, and right now I'm leaning toward a techno like sound. With that in mind I had a few questions...

DAW. What DAW do you think would be the most suitable for the production of techno music? Right now I am using Cubase and I was thinking about continuing with it, but I'm also looking at Ableton... What do you think?

I'm also looking for a nice synth/keyboard. What do you all think of Novations Impluse? If I where to get this I would go with Ableton. Any other suggestions?

Finally I've been looking at some of Native Instruments products, in particular Reaktor 5.6 and Razor. Would you recommend any other soft synths or VSTi's?

Thanks for any and all input?
Most people I meet in that genre are using Fruity loops as their DAW. I think DAW should not be a strong factor when it comes to specializing a specific genre. IF that is the case, then you would heard DAW companies advertising or marketing that their DAW is inclined to rock, pop or techno music. But its not happening anyway so you can use any reputable DAW even Reaper, etc.

About Novation products, I can't say its good or bad as I have not tried using it. Google is your friend and you can search or reviews of it online,such as here:

Novations Impluse review - Google Search

Good luck.
Fruity Loops or Reason I would imagine is good. But you can do it with any. You say you are already using Cubase. Seems silly to move away from something you already know how to use.
That Novation looks cool, but never heard of it. Have a look at Korg stuff. They have a lot of synths to have a look through. Even look at a basic MIDI keyboard and software synth plugins.
I'm a big fan of Z3ta+ 2 for software synths in Trance and Ambient. You could possibly make use for it in Techno too.

What gear do you already have? You may already have enough to work with now.
As far as gear I have now, all I really have are a few free VSTi's, a keyboard, and a seemingly broken MIDI cable. I'm starting off here from the absolute bottom of the food chain. I could make a few nice little melodies, but for now I'm just trying to work my way up to better things. I'm looking ahead in a way :D
Most people I meet in that genre are using Fruity loops as their DAW. I think DAW should not be a strong factor when it comes to specializing a specific genre.

The DAW you choose can be beneficial though. Acid Pro, Fruitly Loops, etc.. are more directed towards looping and that style of music. Just like Logic and ProTools are similar, Logic is more composer friendly. Sure, pretty much any DAW can do what the others can, some just do it better...
I think if I end up purchasing Novations Impulse, which it looks more and more like I will, I'll probably be leaning massively towards Ableton Live, mostly because the Impulse has the most features when using Ableton. From what I understand DeadMau5 uses Ableton Live (he also uses cubase) so how could I possibly go wrong? :D
Track down kcearl on the forums... he's got a big clue about this type of music. I think he uses Ableton... luck;)