Some of mine...

B. Sabbath:

Thanks for the input... due to the responses I've gotten the electric guitar rhythm part will have to go. It was done kind of half assed and I guess I didn't get away with it :) I might just add another acoustic part on the right to balance out the mix. As far as the vocals go, I think thats my best shot. The melody is pretty hard to hit with a voice like mine. Thanks for checking it out.

Track Rat:

I have a love/hate relationship with my voice. It used to be better when I sang more often so I'm reluctant to give up on it completely. My problem is I write songs that are hard for a novice to sing, at least it seems that way to me. Thanks for listening and the kind words.

Jon, very cool website. Listening to "Kindness" now, and having heard my stuff, you know how much I like this. Whoa, the chorus just kicked in with the harmony....great, great vocals. I'm having a little difficulty with the clarity of the words... I'm thinking the lead vocal needs to be brought to the front a little with maybe an EQ boost in the middle? Yea, in the third verse, I really had trouble understanding the words. Other than that, the instrumental background is very professionally done. Sure would like to hear more of this.