Some new songs


New member
I've worked on a few songs and wanted to see if you guys could take a listen. I don't consider them finished (but we always say that, right?)

1. I'll Be Fine
2. State of Mind
3. On My Own

Neall's Music @ SoundClick

Let me know what you think.

I'll Be Fine has some sparkly acoustic guitars and a pretty nice sounding mix of them. The percussion is a bit tinny, I'm listening in earphones. Sounds a good song, some areas too maxed in terms of volume.

State of Mind...that snare is copping a real hammering! I think it's the snare, I'm no drum expert. Good song. Some bits seem too volumey, like the last one.

The start of On My Own reminded me a little of You Gotta Hide Your Love Away. It also has that windy sounding solo near the middle/ end.

Some good original songs, which to me sound overly loud in places.

I'll Be Fine - Tinniness of the percussion. I might have to reEQ that.

State of Mind - you're right about the snare. I tried taking the quick/easy way to produce a doubletime feel. I need to fix that.

On My Own - the overall arrangement for that song was inspired by Help / Rubber Soul / Revolver era Beatles. But the opening and the horn solo at the end are definitely a nod to You Gotta Hide Your Love Away. The song itself was more inspired by XTC though.

Overall loudness:
I'm trying to figure out (i.e., learn) the best way to mixdown. I think I used too much compression which accounts for the loudness. Maybe I need to learn how to use a limiter instead? I'm not sure and any pointers would be welcome.

Thanks again!