Some new songs, what do you think?


New member
Okay there are 4 on my site

Two of them are new, two are a bit older, but still worth listening to, so...

Tell me what you think about the songs as they are, as far as the writing goes, and then anything as far as recording goes. I know there are problems here and there that I may or may not be able to fix, but these are what I've gotten done so far.

So enjoy.
i dig it. i like the megaphone lofi voice and lo fi drums. it's a very chill vibe and every thing is very subtle, but it works well for the vibe of the songs. good stuff to mindlessly listen to. i could hear this stuff being played at a party as background music where everyone just chit chatting about nothing.
hmm, well first, I'm glad you liked them. Not sure if that's a compliment or what.

I guess I'd like people to really listen to it, not really going for the background music thing, but if thats a good thing about it then I guess that is okay.

I'm not personally happy until I write something you have to pay attention to i guess.

Thanks for listening.
I really enjoyed these tunes :). Liked the vocals, the melodies and the fun up-tempo beats. The recordings themselves seem kind of strange to me in ways I'm not sure I can explain. Maybe an overabundance of hi-mids or something on the 2 more recent tracks especially that was a bit tiring on the ears after a time.

I guess maybe I was wishing for a bit more sonic contrast at times...I liked the overall vibe though very much...pretty unique and, as I said :D.
glad you liked them. i agree on the hi-mids, it's something i have to work on using the vocal effect. it tends to peak those in order to give it an overdrive sound, but it can use some tweaking. as far as the sonic contrast goes, that as well is something i'm working on with effects and such. if i spend a few hours on these i think i can bring the differences out more. thanks for your comments, they reiterate what i've been hearing in the tracks.