some new song for mix review

Sounds pretty well balanced but it is dry, dry, dry. Yo really need to inject some ambiance into the song to give it some space. Did you record any room sound with the drums you can use? How about throwing a little chorus on the bass guitar to give it some interest? Maybe a little verb or a short delay on the vocals to give them some spring?

Upon further listening, and this is just my opinion, I feel there is a little too much click in the kick drum and you could maybe use a little more verb on the snare to give it some carry. And don't be afraid to pull the bass guitar back a little to give the other instruments a little more space.
TaylorEGO said:
interesting... we thought it was pretty reverby already
I'm just into a big sound, that's my thing. I like to hear space between the instruments when I can. I guess what I'm really talking about is atmosphere. It's also possible that the MP3 compression stole some of that away and that's why I'm not hearing it.
Projbalance said:
I'm just into a big sound, that's my thing. I like to hear space between the instruments when I can. I guess what I'm really talking about is atmosphere. It's also possible that the MP3 compression stole some of that away and that's why I'm not hearing it.

IMHO, I think it's on the dry side, but not inappropriately so. It's a very busy and VERY dense song, so too wet a patina would muddy the soundstage considerably. There are a couple of gaps where some quick verb tailoff could add some atmosphere; but I think it stands well on its own as is. And man, what a technical tour de force. GREAT playing! Superb power pop arrangement, great vocals! Reminds me of the group that did the Friends theme, and I mean that as a high compliment; you are every bit at that level in terms of technical acumen and writing/arranging/perfoemance spirit.

Surprsingly and refreshingly well done burst of energy! Love it!
thanks for the input, I'm going to try some more reverb on the drum room mics, and maybe on the backup vox, see if that widens it up a little, we're using this one as the lead off track for our new album, so its gotta be strong.
Sounds like something you'd hear on the radio. Mix sounds like it was well done. I'm not crazy about this kind of music but I think you did a good job on the recording/mixing.