some new shit from me.. 3 new joints actually

Alright Sol,

I'ma dig in.

Afterlife, good things happening, but I have a hard time waiting to get to the beef of my main course. When I eat, the salad's all good, but they better bring the main course quick or no tip.

Same with this piece - good production, but I had to wait a little long to get to the main course.

Production seems a bit busy, but you're getting better. Good things.


The dru hill joint - that guitar? EQ *out* *of* *the* *way* - it's in the way of the vocals, and makes the mix seem unbalanced. Once you move them over a bit and let those vocals rip through, the bottom end should naturally take its place, or you might boost a few if not. Didn't feel this one as much as previous remixes.


My favorite of the three:

Trying to Survive

Great production on this piece. Guy with tha lisp? Coach him a bit... lisps can be cool if they're used right, but this sounded a bit in the way. One thing you never want in a piece is the listener to feel self-conscious *for* the performer. The listener wants to feel confident that the performer is going to be off-the-hook.

Vocals - more (better?) energy but good all around. I'm really impressed with the production of this piece.

Bottom Line for this joint? Bumped it. All good.

I like giving feedback, because you're one of the more talented folks who post your skills on this particular forum, and if you stay humble and go forward, only good things can happen.

muzakal said:
Alright Sol,

I'ma dig in.

Afterlife, good things happening, but I have a hard time waiting to get to the beef of my main course. When I eat, the salad's all good, but they better bring the main course quick or no tip.

Same with this piece - good production, but I had to wait a little long to get to the main course.

Production seems a bit busy, but you're getting better. Good things.


The dru hill joint - that guitar? EQ *out* *of* *the* *way* - it's in the way of the vocals, and makes the mix seem unbalanced. Once you move them over a bit and let those vocals rip through, the bottom end should naturally take its place, or you might boost a few if not. Didn't feel this one as much as previous remixes.


My favorite of the three:

Trying to Survive

Great production on this piece. Guy with tha lisp? Coach him a bit... lisps can be cool if they're used right, but this sounded a bit in the way. One thing you never want in a piece is the listener to feel self-conscious *for* the performer. The listener wants to feel confident that the performer is going to be off-the-hook.

Vocals - more (better?) energy but good all around. I'm really impressed with the production of this piece.

Bottom Line for this joint? Bumped it. All good.

I like giving feedback, because you're one of the more talented folks who post your skills on this particular forum, and if you stay humble and go forward, only good things can happen.


word well thanks for the critiques there were many noteworthy suggestions although at times I got the impression you went out of your way to criticize certain elements so that, as you put it, "stay humble and go forward"

but thats just me lol

in the dru hill remix thats a harpsicord not a guitar. I feel you on the EQ of it.
afterlife - when the guitar kicks in at first, don't it reminds you the Justin Timberlake song "Cry Me A River" I think... Altho the rest of the song doesn't sound like that at all... just the guitars...

Simple observation.

lol word.. I just listened to 'cry me a river' and I see no similarity at all.. lol but thank u for peeping - whatd u think of the other 3?
yo sol i saw the accapella of that one joint up there is that a free for all for anybody to work with or what. can i pull it down and give it a run
I think everything sounds clean and clear, at least on what I listened to. Your productions are good and you got serious potential. Wether the song are up my alley or not, You got skills.
