Some metal to rip your head off with!


New member
Hello all,

Long time no posting, sorry for being a stranger!

However, I've been productive!

Here is a link to the first mix from the latest session I've recorded. I've spent 3 days with this band and we've recorded a 5 track EP, and I'm pretty excited about the whole project!!!!

There is still some work to be done, I've noticed the cymbals need to come up and the lead guitars need to be placed better, but was interested in first impressions, what do you lot think?

Again, its a pretty heavy band, they seem to be my speciality at the moment, so it probably won't be to everyones tastes!!!!

I've used a few new techniques to beef up the overall mix, so interested in your reactions/thoughts.


Yep, that's heavy:eek:....Actually, my kid listens to the music with the Pig Squeals and Cookie Monster vocals so I know the genre pretty well...I agree with all your mixing critiques and I think the snare may be a little to poppy for the song, but overall it sounds cool:cool:
Great sound man!
Cookie mnster is not everyone's cup of tea, but this guy seems to have a hint of melody in his voice. Mix sounds great to me, great drum sound, nice guitar sound, pumping bass. Maybe a bit too much reverb on the voice sometimes. Very good, very heavy.

Joey :):):):)
Hi everyone, thanks for your feedback - yes, you don't have to tell me its not for everyone! I'm not adversed to metal, but obviously, the more extreme it is, the more of a minority audience it will have.

Thanks especially to joeym, from looking at your previous postings I think its probably more up your street so your feedback is very insightful.

With regard to the cookie monster vocals, the band actually have two of them, one does a more shouty style and the other tends to cover the higher sreetchy vocals and the lower death style ones. Not sure if its possible to give each vocalist a bit more individual identity in the mix, but I definately need to boost a few key phrases from vocalist number two!

I think possibly I agree about some of the vocal reverb, it does get a bit cavernous in some places!
Interesting song. Sounds a bit like early Arch Enemy.

The vocals are downright intelligible for extreme metal.

The main problem I see with the song is that it seems over-compressed and over-amplified. The song is clipping pretty much the whole time, which results in some obnoxious distortion. And I can definitely hear the instruments getting quieter from the compression when the vocals kick in.

I kind of like the cavernous reverb at the end of some of the lines. It's a cool effect.

Ha! I can actually understand what the two guys are saying. I play in a death metal band so I'm acoustomed to the style. Well, what can I say? You can recreate a live performance by panning the vocals slight off center. Even if the band has two vocalist one is the main singer and the othe reinforces some phrases. If you assume this, it's gonna be easier to mix those tracks.

Check this mix I did for a band with two vocaist. They play metalcore with death metal influences. Hope this helps your mix.
Sacrilegio - Darkness in my soul

PS: Be careful with the snare sound!