Some lyric's for "tubedude"!!!!

Singing really fits the song, great backing vocals too. I love the "open wide" lines, they remind me of ZZTop.
Vocal might be a bit hot, it seems to sit a little heavy in the mix off and on.
I got $5 that says you got a guitar track hiding somewhere for the break after the second chorus :)
Doug H said:
Singing really fits the song, great backing vocals too. I love the "open wide" lines, they remind me of ZZTop.
Vocal might be a bit hot, it seems to sit a little heavy in the mix off and on.
I got $5 that says you got a guitar track hiding somewhere for the break after the second chorus :)
Doug!!!!!LOOK AT YOUR POST COUNT "666":D get that shit outta here:D haha, hey you'd lose that $5 man, but I sure thought about it:D Thanks bro, and yeah it's hot in places..should of spent more time on it.
"I ain't no singer, bro..."

Tsk, tsk!

Your voice rocks, Freshears! It's so damn powerful it makes me wanna spit! :)
I thought you were gonna pm me when you threw this up man....:D I dont come through here that much anymore but I couldnt sleep and decided to go through some tunes.As usual your vocals are GREAT.We've gotta get the collab thing figured out so you can sing on some of my newer tunes.You did a pretty good job of writing lyrics to a pre-existing tune.I've never been able to do that.I always end up re-recording to make small changes to the music here and there.Jeff Lynne of ELO always recorded the music to his songs BEFORE he wrote any lyrics.(so he said in an interview.)That seems like strange way to write a tune to me.LOL.....Im rambling...I dug it David.Is this tubedudes music or one of his clients?
Pedullist, So you wanna spit on me:mad: :D your to much man! haha Thanks Ped!!

B.Sabb, yeah I guess so man...I just hate taking up space here and bumping anyone off the front page just for my crap. Should of put this in tubedude's thread to begin with. I peeked in for a sec had a thread up didn't you? Don't answer that:D not here anyway, Thanks Sam!

Kramer, Sorry bro..right after I posted it I seen you in hixmixes "Kramer TV" thread and sorta told you it was up, guess you didn't see it. hmmm, didn't know that about ELO's Jeff Lynne. I've written that way for twenty five yr's now...hell I thought that was the way you did it:confused: :D . Yeah I told ya I got my adat card working again eh? I can get files to my adat's i'm ready when you are! Appreciate it Kramer!
freshears said:
hmmm, didn't know that about ELO's Jeff Lynne. I've written that way for twenty five yr's now...hell I thought that was the way you did it:confused: :D . Yeah I told ya I got my adat card working again eh? I can get files to my adat's i'm ready when you are! Appreciate it Kramer!

I think you misunderstood me.LMAO!I said he "wrote" the lyrics after the music was recorded not "recorded" the lyrics after he recorded the music.The latter is the way most everybody does it.LOL.Jeff Lynne said he had no idea what the lyrics he would sing would be until AFTER he had recorded the final music tracks.....he woud then sit and listen to the track and come up with words to fit the recorded tracks.NOw do you get my drift?LMAO!

Ya know how we sit around with an instrument and play AND sing during the writing(NOT recording.LOL)process?He doesnt do that.OK,now I've rambled about nothing but I did bump your thread.:D
freshears said:
Yeah I told ya I got my adat card working again eh? I can get files to my adat's i'm ready when you are!

I think you did mention that the other night in your "football" pm.:D Lets do it!