Some Hot Beats for the MC's


New member
Couple of tracks for you guys that didn't make album cuts.......I got 65 beats from the last production wave...theres 5 up wit 5 new ones comin every 2 weeks...... Holla at me if you feelin somethin
Nice piano melodies doggz........

I got some piano and string joints from this phase I was going through(I had just switched from keyboard beats to computer-based production and wanted everything to have the sounds on my keyboard). I might post some of the bangaz. But then again.................................

check this out.

I produced the beat for the track(and recorded/mixed/and mastered it), I also wrote(the first verse is me!!!)

I produced the other beat too(the instrumental "Struggles and Scars")

They aint the piano joints i was talkin bout, but check em' out and holla back!!!!!!!!!!
Some nice tracks you got going on there. I love the bass and subbass on Emotions. you should've used some strings and/or synths in it.
Glad y'all like

Raticus - Yes my staff made them....I personally contribute, but did not do everything... Thank you!

Atillah - I listened to some of the stuff you got posted and I'm gonna just be straight with you....... Your about a contact away from makin a name for yourself...... You need a little help with the mixing, but on the whole you got some good things going on for yourself. I would suggest that you turn some of that music out to rappers in the underground and let them start putting it on their albums with you taking production credit.....

Devil Fire - NO NO NO I do not sample...... Thank you!

Ho Man - Maybe I will now that you mention it

The next wave will be 5 R&B instrumentals.... 1
Ya'll got some nice tracks doc. Only thing i suggest is that ya'll use some efx on some of you instruments like the pianos and snares. It'll add more depth and feeling. Then your tracks will be even more dramtic. Peace.
Hey Lazi - thanks for the look....Understand that these were made straight records no time doing anything.........we just track beat after beat until we got 100 or so then we choose which ones have potential......grab those and retrack and rework it....I hear exactly what your saying though, but it wasn't meant to be perfect sounding just some samples I'm looking to get out instead of sitting on it...TY

Abbyss - It takes about 10 minutes to make a beat when you got 4 people workin on it. I usually make 10 drum beats prior to session and we bang out all the melodies in 2 hrs or so.......Like I told ya in the otha post if you got something I'm willing to bounce stuff your way........1

Well, I'm working on some sort of beat at the moment so we've got something to rap to.

When I've got it all recorded I'll put it up here 4 ya'.

(Beat'll probably suck, but *fortunately*:confused: it's the vocals that matter:))
I'll be as quick as possible.

I've got some sort of beat now (it sucks, big time!)

The problem is getting everyone to meet up 'coz we're all off doing different things :(

I'll probably try to get hold of one of the other members and do one track that we've got which only has two members.

We'll see what happens.

Be with ya' shortly! (hopefully!)

I listened to Emotions because that was the only track I saw mentioned in the replies. I gotta admit I wasn't really feeling this track. The bassline is all distorted. Either you are doubling up on the patch you are using or you're sustaining notes too long, either way the low end sounds very muddy. I like the general feel of the track, I'm just not feeling the instruments and the lack of changes.

Let me know if you have anything else you'd recommend I listen to.

Hey stray,

I know exactly what your saying....None of the tracks listed on that page are supposed to be spectacular...... Its just stuff I got left over that I'm throwin out to any MC's in the underground that may need some stuff..... Not lookin for good feedback on them thats why they didn't make album cuts...not that they completely suck just that I didn't put time in structuring them with music drops and instrument changes, nor do any mixing to anything.........thank you though...... Have tyou heard stuff that I have mixed and mastered? well then here ya go
Hey stray,

I checked out that symphony beat.....Liked it did good work on that track.....the right artist should be able to crush that track....gotta anyone on it I could listen to?

I have to apologize I was going to listen to the link you posted last night, but I got caught up at the studio. I'll check it out tonight.

Thanks for the listen and comment on Symphonique 2002. Unfortunately, there are no MCs in my area I can find to work with, with the exception of my group "The Foundation" (there is a sample of our stuff at my site, the track is called "This Is Life"). We deciced to not use this beat, that's why I've uploaded.

As I've always said, if you are or you know is an MC with skills and the ability to record in a professionally equipped studio I'm down for collaborations. I'm just trying to get my name out there and get my discography together.

come on stray...your from NYC....rappers are a dime a dozen out there.....Is it you just can't find the right one?

You got yahoo messenger or ICQ? If so hit me up and I'll transfer you some cats that I work with and you can tell me who's style you feel......

Yahoo Messenger ID: grahamentertainment

ICQ# 156365474

I wish I was in the big city, but I'm in Buffalo, NY, the armpit of the nation. I think I need to go redo my profile. I don't have either one of the services you mentioned but now that you're making this offer, I'll get right on setting up an account with Yahoo. What is ICQ?

Anyways, I really appreciate that offer and I'm most definitely going to take you up on it. Give me a day or so and I'll see what needs to be done to set this up.
