Some Help People


New member
I want to record some music so i bought some equipment like sound card ESP 1010 with 8 input and audobe audition program for recording
but i have problem
when i put my guitar (semi-acoustic yahama) directly into my soundcard, sound that i record is very "plastic" ,
do you know why that happens and how can you solve that problem?
thanking in advance
If it's an acoustic then you want to be micing the instrument itself.

If money's a concern then the MXL 603s is very nice for recording acoustic instruments. If you can stretch to a stereo pair then even better. You have a couple, of mic preamps on your interface so no worries there.
You might also want to try a combinaton of micing and direct in but you'll need a direct-in box to bring it up to line level.
djuro said:
is recording guitar with mic only way of recording good guitar?
Acoustic guitar? Yes. Unless you want to hear the sound of a pickup rather than the sound of the instrument. As NYMS says you can blend in a little DI'd signal but a DI' guitar alone doesn't sound good (as you've discovered).
djuro said:
does that box improve the sound or what and where should i plug it?

The output from guitar pickups - especially piezo pickups, as most/many acoustic/electric guitars use - wants to see a very high impedance. The inputs on your sound card are *probably* lower impedance. This impedance mismatch will effect the sound in a bad way. The DI box acts as a transformer and will result in better sound.

Many piezo-transducer systems will benefit from a buffer preamp or DI box even when plugged into a guitar amp.
Just get a friggin' mic and preamp, already!!!

Recording direct will just continue to disappoint you and force you to spend money trying to polish a turd.