Some expiremental tunes

Just wanted to let you know I checked these out. Some really cool ideas here. I guess by experimental I expected it to be more out-there. These are actual songs with a lot of unconventional sounds incorporated. I guess if you were headed in that direction, I would have preferred that the songs move along a little easier while still retaining some of that kitchen utensil-inspired weirdness. Anyway, pretty cool ideas and hard to tell mix-wise as myspace's player is so odd sounding generally to me. Thanks for posting this :).
Since it is experimental in nature, the mixing/mic'ing techniques will also be experimental. I would say that there are some pretty prevalent timing issues, at least through out the first song. It's late, so I'll listen to the others when I wake up.

Oh, and are you recording this stuff with a condenser mic? It doesn't sound like it to me. If not, I would suggest getting one. it will make a pretty big difference in the clarity.

I also think the vocals could use a little compression.

I like the ideas, and they're done in a way that works pretty well.
Thanks bozmillar. Pretty much everything was recorded with the same condenser, except that I generally DI bass because I don't like fussing with my amp. Recording and mixing isn't really my strong suit, as I'm a music comp major and I tend to focus on the material and the playing.

Re: the timing issues in "My True Love"... perhaps what's throwing you is that I played some of the parts with a slight 16th note swing, while others I played straight. That said, I have been known to play percussion very badly, so I don't doubt the critique is accurate. ;)
I enjoyed the listen mate!

Very easy to listen tunes:)

I like the tone you got for your acoustic.
