software with good mixers?


New member
was wandering if the multytracking programs come with good virtual mixers or mixers at all? how important is a good mixer?
i'm a solo artist mainlt playing rock/metal doing midi drums and keyboard effects and micing the rest.
There's probably lots of ways to get around not having a mixer, it depends on what you're trying to do. Mixing is good in the software too. Use both. Or either.:) In the long run, for a musician and recordist, I can't imagine not having one. They're just very good for moving audio around.
Some apps come with virtual mixers. Some people find them necessary, some find them totally useless

Cakewalk stuff has nice little mixers, so does logic

Cubendo comes with a nifty buck rodgers mixer, that does a LOT of functions but cant ever seem to find a nice home on the screen

Samplitude has one that will pretty much munch your whole screen, but is cool

SAW seems to be based on the mixer only paradigm, somewhat seamlessly featuring multitrack recording and editing but with more of a mixer feel
My favorite is Samplitude, which has a very comprehensive mixer. I run dual 19" monitors, with the track view on one screen, and the mixer on the other. Also, if you want to use real faders and knobs with a virtual mixer, there are control surfaces that work with the better programs. No actual audio runs through the control surface, it just becomes a physical manifestation of the virtual mixer. Better ones like the Mackie Control have motorized faders to follow automation, and to set everything up for different songs.
Cheers, RD