Software for recording cassette or LP to WAV


New member
I had a Soundblaster card installed, it came with Adaptec EZ CD Creator. How do I check to see if there is any other software that will help me create a WAV from cassette or LP?
If I'm not mistaken, the Sound Blaster should have some simple stereo recording applet as part of the standard support stuff (LiveWare). And mine came with Sound Forge XP (or was that my older AWE card? I can't recall). Another good choice is CoolEdit 2000; there is probably a shareware version of the older CoolEdit package out on the web, which should be more than adequate for your stated purposes.

Either of these should work for your purposes. You'll need a cable with 2 RCA plugs on one end and one 1/8" stereo miniplug on the other end, and you'll need to enable the sound card's Line In for recording.
Thanks, AlChuck ! But, I can't seem to find anything on my rig to acutally walk me through the creation of the WAV from LP or cassette deck. CD to CD is old news, but recording from the analog external source is where I have no help. I understand the system, but don't know that I have the software, and I don't have the $$ to buy stuff I may already have.
You may already have the sofware you will need to be able to record in .wav with at least 44100 16 bit stereo to do what you want to do Cool edit 2000 is a good basic start and has many plugins to support it. You can download the demo it puts a few unwanted sounds in and the plugins will be limited to like 30 seconds of processing but you will get the idea of how to work it. there are quite a few more you can try also. You use your line in on your soundcard with a pre-amp to make a digital form of whatever you are recording.
Since you already own Adaptec EZ CD Creator, your best bet might be to just upgrade to the "deluxe" version. The deluxe version includes a program called Spin Doctor which will allow you to record from analog sources (turntable, cassette) through your sound card and output to .wav or directly to CD.

It also provides some tools for editing pops and hiss (although I can't vouch how well they work).
And dont forget checking your connections, the vinyl player should have RCA or phono coaxial outs. Maybe? There are lots of adapter jacks for this purpose.

Soundforge is valid too to make these recordings.