Software effects Vs...


New member
With the availability of effects in multi tracking software (Adobe Audition, Pro Tools, etc.), is there much of a reason to still purchase other equipment? For example, Cool Edit Pro can easily add reverb, but I've still yet to figure out if these digital software effects stand up against the effects of a physical hardware, like a compressor or effects box or something....

I have a mic preamp, and I also have Cool Edit Pro. I can do compression, add reverb, dynamic effects, etc., in Cool Edit Pro, so do you think that's all I need, or do you guys suggest I actually purchase equipment, such as a compressor...?
I do have an outboard compressor. An RNC. I use it strictly for tracking vocals myself. Other than that, I use plugins. I won't say it's the best way, as that will depend on what you are trying to achieve. I do music strictly for fun, and my sounds are hit and miss. If you want pro results, you might need to see what the pros are using. If you just want some good sounds, experiment with whatever you have at your disposal. I have heard some good sounding music from people with very limited gear. A good performance can sound pretty good, with limited processing. If money is tight, concentrate on more on the recording aspect, and don't worry about gear. Gear won't necessarily buy good sound. It can help if that is the limiting factor. There are many free vst plugins that work well for the homerecorder though.
Software processing can make your music sound awesome. So can hardware. If you've got money to spend on a rack unit or 2 I would suggest it. I think hardware effects are useful because they are hands on and can be applied live. But then again some software processing can be played live too. I like to have all my signals mostly processed when they are comitted to computer. The only reason I ever need software processing is gating and occasional compression (and mastering of course)and that is primarily because I haven't gotten around to picking up any hardware to tackle those needs. Try a hardware vs. software search. You might find some interesting things (but most likely you'll find alot of bickering back and forth between hardware junkies and software junkies)

Do what you like, what agrees with your budget, and what sounds good to you.
Hardware. No doubt. With few notable exceptions I have still to meet plugins that rival good outboard gear.

My $0.02.
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Digital rack FX are just small computer processors in a rack case. The quality of some of the plugins that are available rival and often exceed the quality of rack FX. Plugins are so much more covenient and cost effective but they don't look cool or have flashing lights like rack gear. Just my opinion.
I use more rack gear but I think the single greatest advantage to hardware is that you can turn a knob and hear the difference instantly. For me, it's far easier to use rack gear because that's what I learned on. BTW-I'm STILL learning. :rolleyes: