soft synths with sonar


New member
Hey guys,
I use sonar and the soft synths/samplers I currently use with it are Atmosphere, Stylus RMX, Reason, and Kontakt. I'm looking for to buy another soft synth that will give me interesting non-traditional (non-instrument) sounds. As in not a sampler that will give me violin or piano or regular instruments because I have plenty of those but something more like the subtractor/maelstrom of reason. Any suggestions? Ideally I would want something like another reason that integrates very well with sonar and has several samplers/soft synths that give tons of patches.
I've just purchased Absynth by Native Instruments but there are worrying hanging notes problems with some users at the moment so it may be better to hang on until they've sorted that problem out. Otherwise it is one monster of a synth that utilises many forms of synth methods.

Also check out Rhino by Big Tick. I've not tried it myself yet but I'm told that it's a great synth and cheaper than Absynth.
i demoed out absynth and it seems like its main use would be for futuristic background/ambient pad-type sound. Would you say thats accurate?
I'm looking more for something that I can use more for lead melodies, as in a clear sound with no real sustain and no background echoes/noise. Is absynth a good program for that? I'll check out Z3ta also soon. Thanks.