Soffits for my HR824's...

sponge bob

New member
Has anyone ever put Mackie HR824's in a control room
wall soffit?

I heard conflicting reports where some say its easy,
and yet others say you shouldn't even dream of putting
824's in a wall soffit!

Whats the truth? Anyone done this successfully or got
a scoop on this?

It's not so much the power amps - you can ventilate for that - it's the rear passive radiator that could create a problem. I said COULD create a problem - as yet no ones done it so we don't know. Bryan Giles (Giles117) is building a room now and we are going to try it :):)

will let you know how it goes. ;)

Seeing as a large percentage of the extended low end is a result of the passive radiator (or so Mackie says). I would not want to sofit them. But then, I never like the idea of sofiting near field monitors.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
Yes, but there's a difference between "idea" and "reality." I soffit mounted my KRK V8's, and they absolutley KILL.

I was put off a little bit to begin with, but I'm really glad I did it. The difference is quite amazing. Don't knock it 'till you've tried it.
I'm interested in doing the same with my HR824's. I called Mackie and they seemed confident that it wouldn't be a problem. Although they did act like this was the first time this had been brought up to him.
O.K., let me rephrase that. I like sofit mounted speakers just fine, but that is not what I want from my near fields. I like sofits for mains, not mains.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi