So, What Shall We Talk ABout While We Wait?


Dammit, Jim, Shut Up!
Can't download anything and can't stream anything. Shall we just bust the place up tonight or what?

What about this dry thing? I think it might be a pretty cool thing. I also know I'm gonna reach for my EQ on the next track I record!

So what are you all doing tonight? I'm getting ready to puill out my steel guitar and see what I can do for Dobro and ChrisHarris. Ooops...there goes the dog, covering his ears, running for cover!:D
Well, I guess I could record something...hrm...nope, according to those "snoring" noises emanating from my wife, I see my "studio" is closed for the evening...I guess I'll just stalk Crawdad until he sends me some tracks to mix.
I was so incredibly drunk today.....i drank so much i actually drank myself sober.....nonstop Margaritas from ~ 3:00 until sister got married at 2:00 really stoked about it because her first husband was kind of an asshole and the guys she dated after have been REALLY assholes, and this guy is so cool.....everyone congratulate Kim and Frank and lets have a toast......:D and btw, getting thrown in a swimming pool with your clothes on sobers you up pretty quick......

so about this dry mentioned in another thread, i believe EQ, compression,reverb,FX,autotune,etc are fine when used as tools, and not as a Band-aid.......

and you can observe alot by watching.......
and her step-daughter totally nailed the Kelly Clarkson song "A Moment Like This"....i posted a clip of her awhile back from a camcoder tape doing Karaoke, but this was 20 times better and nobody got it on tape:mad:

We made too many wrong mistakes......
Ahh... it's nice to be the only one whose site is working (I'm not on Nowhere...).

Well, I've worked out this great arrangment with my lady, whereas I put her to bed in the downstairs bedroom for a few hours, whereupon I can use the studio (also referred to as our bedroom) until 4 in the morning, then go downstairs, wake her up and lead her back upstairs to the "main" bed, where we both crash.

Look for a lot of totally useless posts from me at around 3 or 4 a.m., as I review your songs with ears fried after having been mixing or recording all night.

Up all night the way I like it,