so this is what I did


New member
I first recorded my guitar, which is an acoustic electric homemade job made to sound like a sitar, with a close live sennheiser609silver just next to the guitar, and then a line in going to the mixboard sending a signal to good old cool edit2.....well needless to say it sounded crisp and clear that you good cut glass with it....not an honest you think that a recording should sound like the band as best represented by their live sound?.....I kinda do

so I plugged my guitar into its amp..the one I use on stage and mic'ed it using a shure 50's elvis mic from 49 inches aimed directly at the cone of my jc-80 (rare loud a$$ amp that has a 12 but should have a 15)....boy the sound is good a very real live the close mic on the guitar in other room with the door closed helped the sound...ok so what I want to know is should I mic the cabinet close with moderate volume which adds to richness but adds amp noise or do I crank up my amp and put alot of rooom between....


yeah, an e609 on an acoustic can't sound very good....great on amps though, though they are bright, you'd want to pair them with a darker mic.