So the smoke has cleared: Sonar 3.0

Chris Fallen

New member
Everyone has had time to play around with it by now (except poor fools like me who can't afford it right now).

How does everybody like it?
I'm getting along quite well with it. Switching over from S2 was a breeze.

I love the new GUI - the track inspector is very cool and is nice not to have to resize tracks or switch views while you are in the middle of something. The Console view changes are nice too. Very customizable, better scrolling options and the new bus architecture is awesome.

They have greatly improved the real time editing. It's not completely seamless, but close. I still get an occasional hiccup, but it is much, much better.

MIDI Groove clips are very useful for the music that I make and will definitely take out some of the chore of copy and paste. Not that it was that bad before. But the groove clips will make the process a little quicker.

Per track Eq is nice and saves time rather than having to manually load the effect. They are disabled by default so it only takes up system resources when you want it to.

I have not had the chance to utilize the enhanced MIDI routing but I can see this being very cool in the future. It has been much improved.

The Lexicon verb is OK. It is definitely quality but I think it will appeal to some more than others. It is a little cold. But is crystal clear with nice tails. I actually think I like the Ultrafunk a little better. The rest of the Ultrafunk plugins are great - nice clean GUI and great sounds.

I haven't installed Vsampler yet, but I had a listen to the sample content. The piano disk sounds good in my opinion, but the other as has been documented here before is pretty weak. But whatever, I definitely didn't buy the upgrade for the sample content.

Overall I am really happy with the upgrade. No drastic changes, but all the small changes add up to make a more mature and user friendly program. Two thumbs up.
I'm just dealing with 2 track pre-masters for now and not much multi-tracking in the traditional sense. I have done some multing and freq splitting to 2-6 tracks. No midi yet. I'm a Cakewalk Pro Audio and Sonar 2.2 user.

The new interface is growing on me and I'm beginning to appreciate it better - I've already 'swiped' away 3 tracks by mistake somehow (and it wasn't undoable) so it is really powerful !

The Ultrafunk plugs are really great - I've just scratched the surface but I already got the multi-band compressor to tame the low mids and bass on a song much better than I can using Ozone2 or T-Racks (I like Ozone2 so no offense to them !).

The vastly improved audio engine I'm still thinking about. It's too close to tell for what I do - too early to tell and I'm still learning Sonar3.

I like the new bussing and it's easy for me to route stuff.

Still learning is my report - enjoying it so far. I can't make it crash normally. The big new is - for me - the upgrade didn't make anything worse, take away features or performance. In fact it added features as in the track view.

But the new Plugins justify the upgrade price for me.

kylen said:

The new interface is growing on me and I'm beginning to appreciate it better - I've already 'swiped' away 3 tracks by mistake somehow (and it wasn't undoable) so it is really powerful !

If I am reading your post right, this is a problem I encounter from time to time with accidentally having more than one track highlighted at once and when I hit delete all the highlighted tracks go poof. I've lost a couple tracks that way because I was too quick in hitting save before I realized more got deleted than I had intended.
Yes, that's right zone - I don't know exactly what I did either - I was trying to replace the name of a track and double-clicked then swiped it like I used to do in Sonar 2.2. Ooops I must've swiped too far - and made some tracks vanish !

Luckily I just saved what I did before that - I have a big sign up that says 'save often' (that's another story because of Cool Edit Pro and VST !).

I gotta be careful swiping I guess !

Me too!!

I did the same thing. I lost a couple of tracks, and it took me a while to figure out where they went. I've learned to be very careful.

I have also learned to be very careful when I cut or delete, as it is very easy to delete markers, tempo changes, automation, etc. if you don't notice the boxes have been checked in the dialogue box.

Are y'all saying that the undo function under the Edit menu doesn't work for that?

It's always brought back tracks which I've mistakenly deleted.


Yep, that's right Earl - for me anyway. I went to undo it and there was nothing to undo except the first track insert I did.

What I was faced with was 3 missing tracks and the one that was remaining was split into 2 clips - like someone took a light sabre to my project.

Hmmm, now that you mention it if they weren't listed in the undo section I wonder if they were really deleted or just hidden somewhere... I'll have to think about that one...

I got off to a bit of a bumpy start.

With Sonar 3 I notice my system (1.8Ghz/256 mb RAM) is becoming a problem. Sonar 2 handles 12 tracks @ 24 bit no problem. Sonar 3 is dropout city. I had to dither down to 16 bit to get it all working.

Time for a faster processor I think !

Paa more expense !!
Dr_simon said:
I got off to a bit of a bumpy start.

With Sonar 3 I notice my system (1.8Ghz/256 mb RAM) is becoming a problem. Sonar 2 handles 12 tracks @ 24 bit no problem. Sonar 3 is dropout city. I had to dither down to 16 bit to get it all working.

Time for a faster processor I think !

Paa more expense !!

more like reformat and install windows all over again...from my experience after a while windows starts acting funny....

12 tracks at 24/44 or 48 should be no problem for your should even be able to handle 96...unless its a celeron?
pdlstl said:
Are y'all saying that the undo function under the Edit menu doesn't work for that?

It's always brought back tracks which I've mistakenly deleted.



No that works for me. I just happen to be a little trigger happy with the save button out of habit, which has resulted in some tracks being mistakingly deleted.
In my case I hadn't realized until I reopened the file that I had accidently erased the tracks. Every other time I have had a similar problem I have been able to undo. Don't worry, the undo feature works really well in Sonar!

Cool kids use precious SONAR 3...

Chris Fallen[/i] [B](except poor fools like me who can't afford it right now).[/B] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dachay2tnr said:
And poor fools like me whose computer system is below the required specs for running 3.0. :(

And poor fools like me who lives far far away from US... :(

...poor kids use previous SONAR.
Overall I really like it. The sound of the new engine helps get at problems I was not finding until after I burned and listened to Sonar 2.2 mixes. I was always having to push up the midrange contrary to what my ears were telling me in the past. Now I am closer to the final needed results.

Punching notes in the Piano roll - I'm not sure the new cursors for sizing and moving notes are to my liking. I am however getting used to them. Its those 32nd notes that are hard to size. I think version 2.2 was a little easier at this.

I've used Ultrafunk for a couple of years so I was not suprised by their quality. I like both the Lexicon and Ultrafunk reverbs. The different qualities are really needed across a mix.

I am growing to really appreciate the Gate on cymbals, hi hats and snares. It really does a great job at reeling these in.

The buss capabilites are the bomb! I can emulate a SSL 9000 which is a dream for mixes. Submix compression gives low latency across the mix. Oh yeah.

The parametric view on the console tracks, not all that great in my estimation. Rather small and I end up just expanding the plug in anyway for detailed work. As everyone knows track view is better for mixing than console view. Mixes done in track view sound much better and more pro (Just had to throw that in).

I have noticed that multiple instances of Livesynth Pro seem to behave better with less CPU burn. I like Livesynth Pro better than VSampler because its not such a resource pig. However for the exotic and necessary synth pads, as well as the pianos that came with the package, VSampler definitely has its place.

The color schemes, frankly, are lame. Yeah you can dink around for hours and try to improve them but why? On a positive note I like that audio and midi tracks have different colors. Helps to get to things quicker visually.

What else..Oh yeah. I have bragging rights that now I use Producer which sounds like I am much more versatile and talented than I really am. If I had Studio I would sound like just another engineer. :D
Dr_simon said:
With Sonar 3 I notice my system (1.8Ghz/256 mb RAM) is becoming a problem.
I have one suggestion:

Recommended is 512 MB RAM, and 1 GB wouldn't hurt either...