So long Alesis!!

UDMA seems to be adequate

I believe there are heat issues with the faster drives that make them less useable in these removable drive bays..

besides, if I can record 24 tracks at once, I guess I really don't care if it's using SCSI, Ultra ATA or IDE, provided I can actually do it and get away with it...

True, Rue', :p but I was thinking about the costs when you need to buy more drives. The standard IDEs of the Alesis deck are cheaper.

Also, is there any limit to the size of the drives that the Mackie can use (no limit with Alesis')? And what about the supposed file size limit with the Mackie (no limit with Alesis')? Is this true?

It doesn't matter that the exact specs may push for one unit or the other. There are pros and cons to each. The mackie looks like it will be coming out before the alesis, if the alesis even comes out! It seems that they have burned a lot of bridges recently. From my knowlage there is no compensation for the lack of alesis. The alesis may be a beter unit but people are tired of waiting. If they would have come out when they planned, You'd see a decrease in the sales of the mackie's and tascam.
there are Mackie limitations

I am at the risk of becoming a Mackie lackey (having now used their monitors, board, and recorder) - but I can address the following limitations with the HDR24/96 that I suspect will carry over to the MDR

1...Files over 15 minutes get truncated or more then 15 minutes per file---they get broken up into seperate files, I those extended trance mixes.
2...No HD's over 32 GB (apparently, this is currently a MB bios limitation, not an OS one..)

I wanted a GUI built in, so the HDR was the right choice for me...if I was staying with an Analog board, it'd be close between the two...I suppose I'd consider and purchase the first one that came out.
I don't think Alesis will loose many customers to Mackie. I bet the majority of Alesis' customers for the HD24 will come from existing ADAT users. The HD24 seems to be more flexible, and for the same price you get the lightpipes. The HD24 just seems like it will fit right in with with existing ADAT machines. You can operate the HD24 simultaneously with ADATs, even with the BRC. IMO, the Alesis HD24 is worth waiting for.
mnicoletti said:
True, Rue', :p but I was thinking about the costs when you need to buy more drives. The standard IDEs of the Alesis deck are cheaper.

Also, is there any limit to the size of the drives that the Mackie can use (no limit with Alesis')? And what about the supposed file size limit with the Mackie (no limit with Alesis')? Is this true?


how can alesis be cheaper than a standard hard drive available at compusa or if so their harddrives are next in my pc.
Ham On Rye said:

how can alesis be cheaper than a standard hard drive available at compusa or if so their harddrives are next in my pc.

That is the whole point, Alesis uses standard IDE drives; whereas, Mackie has: Mackie M•90 Media.
M*90 media IS standard IDE drives

M*90 Media is standard IDE's a HD in a removable case - just like Alesis.

You can buy the case from someone (the manufacturer...I forget who...makes the case for computers and it was installed in the Mackie box.) - and throw your own off the shelf HD in it just like Alesis...but Mackie is limited to 32 GB right now...

I would not want to risk recording a live show if my files are getting stopped and started every 15 minutes. Ouch. This is NOT a minor issue.

Wally, the unit would have shipped had they not gone Chapter 11. This is not the "usual" ship-late scenario that Alesis, Mackie and others are ALL guilty of. They now say October for HD24. We'll see...

The AD DA converters are what have me interested in the Alesis unit. I understand this is the first time they made them in house and rumour has it they're not too shabby. Mike, can you shed any light on this? I read on another board that Roger Nicholes thought they were pretty decent.
mnicoletti said:
I would not want to risk recording a live show if my files are getting stopped and started every 15 minutes. Ouch. This is NOT a minor issue.

Wally, the unit would have shipped had they not gone Chapter 11. This is not the "usual" ship-late scenario that Alesis, Mackie and others are ALL guilty of. They now say October for HD24. We'll see...


That's like the 10th time it's been pushed back. It's going to be out of date by the time it's released!
so whats the chance that...

these things aren't as loud as feckin computers? i hate comptuer recording for the fact if you are recording on your own you have to have to run halfway across your abode to record and then back to press stop so you dont have fan hiss in the background.

And why dont they save us some money... how many of us actually use 24 tracks? 16 for $1299.

You know $2000 / 24tracks = $83/track
16 tracks x $83 ~1300...

seems reasonable to me.
Hi, Track Rat,

Though my set up at home is nothing like Roger N's ;) I love the way the HD24 sounds. The Alesis AD/DA chips ARE excellent; great sounding and impressive specs (obviously two different things, so I list them separately!)

i dunno, HD... scary, just like computer recording... wheres my R2R tape.. need to hug it, feel safe, secure..