So I got this...

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I forgot about Damage. It is definitely a cool program. GR5 is also a good one. Actually there is a lot of cool stuff in that package.:thumbs up:
GR5 is actually the product I'm least excited about. :(

Evolve, Damage, action strings, session strings pro...

All fucking amazing.
Why? I guarantee you that I could record one track with a real amp and another with GR5, and you wouldn't be able to tell which was which! That seems like something that should excite anyone! You just have to know how to tweak it. IMHO GR5 is one of the better amp sims.
I'm only not excited because of the amps I own.

Anyhow. Here is something I derped around with today in Komplete.

EZD 2 Rock Solid EZX, Damage, Marching snare thing.

I own Marshalls, Fenders, Hughes and Kettners, and a host of others, and now if I don't feel like using them, I don't have to and no one will be the wiser. That excites me. I like Damage, Evolve , etc, but for the types of things I do, I won't be using them all that much. But to each his own! That's what makes us individuals!:D
I kind of want to take you up on that challenge btw.

TBH I bought ultimate for the efx plugins and the synths/kontakt personally. Can't see myself using all of the kontakt libraries but most of it is good.
I can assure that you'd lose! LOL! If I had some time to waste I'd do it. Unfortunately I just don't have that kind of time anymore. All it takes is some careful tweaking. It's not rocket science.
The only sims that people have fooled me with so far have been the Kemper PFA and Kazrog's Thermionik.
I definitely want to check the Kemper out. Technology advances so fast now that I'm almost afraid to buy anything because by tomorrow it's out of date! LOL! I recently bought a Hughes&Kettner Grandmeister 36. It's nice, but will soon be out of date. I'm going backwards now and buying mostly old amps. With a few new ones thrown in every now and then. LOL! Amps and guitars are my only vices these days! LOL!
Yeah I just can't bring myself to buy a KPA because of the viability of the tech in the future. Blow $2k now to own a brick in 5 years (ok maybe not that fast).

Go buy an old silverface fender and enjoy watching the value stick around.
Probably that fast. Maybe even faster! LOL! Moores Law definitely comes into to play when dealing with digital!
Eh I don't know. The AxFx has been around for a while and the original one still fetches a nice price.

I personally don't get it or it's fanboys but the tech has remained viable for longer than I expected.