so i finaly got to play a new ash tele


New member
so i finaly got in a new light ash tele today at work, and in the last thread i told you guys i would let you know what i think, so here we go.
they are of the korean make (made by cortek, aka cort). and not light at all, they are actualy quite heavy. but they are quite amazing players and lookers. the seymor duncans in it are perfectly balanced and give a wide range of typical tele tones. when they say "figured birdseye maple fretboard" they arent kidding, i havent seen a birds eye neck like this on a guitar under a grand ever. the neck however is a 2 piece with skunk strip, but i guess thats the price you gotta pay. the neck to me felt a little beefier than your typical tele, but nice (i like fat necks) with extremely low action. over all this guitar is nothing less than phenominal for the price, and is nothing less than amazing for the pice i will pay, which i wont go into here. i teched this through a reissue of a fender concert reverb that we are holding out on putting back to stock, so i cant say how this sounds on anyone elses amp...
needless to say i have this guitar stashed under my desk until i can come up with some dough to buy it and all the other crap i need to get. so if you got about 6 bones, pick one of these bad boys up, you wont regret it.

PS if i can sneek my digi cam into work tomorow i will snap some pix for ya.
I have also started to see the ash Teles and Strats in stores. They look pretty snazzy except for one thing (this is all just in my own opinion): the ones I saw had the early eighties Fender logo on the headstock. What's with that? I don't know if there is a historical thing going on with ash having been popular at that time or whatever, but to me the logo they used looks really out of place. I think a 'spaghetti' logo would look much nicer (in fact, that's what I have been seeing in catalogs, etc).

It wouldn't affect my buying of the guitar, but it gives me that irking feeling--kind of like the first scratch you put on a new axe. What does everyone else think? I'd like to hear ( your opinions.

*Disclaimer: I am a firm believer in "who cares what it looks like if it plays great?" However, I am just curious as this seems like a little detail that the design team really screwed up.