so i bought my first few pieces of rack gear...


New member
so i bought my first few pieces of rack gear (furman M-10 power distributor, nady tmp2 mic preamp, dod 430 qx graphic eq). not much i know. just wondering if someone could recommend a good thread for beginners such as me. i've searched looking for answers as far as rack setup and tips and tricks to using my new stuff, but can't find any answers to my dumbass questoins. thanks

What are you recording?
What are you recording to?
Why did you think you needed a graphic eq?
What is you favorite color?
What is your quest?
my complete gear list:

above mentioned rack gear
behringer 2442 mixer
fostex mr-8
2 akg 8000 mics
sm 57
sm 58

i'm just gettin my feet wet here so i think i'll start off trying to record solo musicians. acoustic guitar and vocals, and after that who knows. i bought the eq because i've read that they're usefull in tracking and even using the eq to help my monitors provide an acurate flat sound. ummm..... my favorite color is green and i enjoy long walks on the beach and deep soulfull conversations with plenty of eye contact. and as far as my quest well, i someday wish to open a studio. starting slow and steady. eventually i would love to be able to turn a mediocre flaccid studio into a rock hard cock that i can stick in the butt of everyone who called me a looser. sounds nice right?
You're a punk if you think you can bring some ambiguous question to this board and then insult a member of good standing who was trying to refine your question. As a general rule people purchase gear to fill a void not buy a piece of gear and then wonder how/what to use it for. :eek:
Niimo said:
my complete gear list:

above mentioned rack gear
behringer 2442 mixer
fostex mr-8
2 akg 8000 mics
sm 57
sm 58

i'm just gettin my feet wet here so i think i'll start off trying to record solo musicians. acoustic guitar and vocals, and after that who knows. i bought the eq because i've read that they're usefull in tracking and even using the eq to help my monitors provide an acurate flat sound. ummm..... my favorite color is green and i enjoy long walks on the beach and deep soulfull conversations with plenty of eye contact. and as far as my quest well, i someday wish to open a studio. starting slow and steady. eventually i would love to be able to turn a mediocre flaccid studio into a rock hard cock that i can stick in the butt of everyone who called me a looser. sounds nice right?
Except for spelling loser wrong, I'm with ya.
Okay, plug the 57 into the Nady, the Nady into the Fostex, the Fostex into the Furman and position the mic 12" away from the twefth fret of a goo d acoustic guitar. The eq will only get in your way for now, it is best used in a live application.
For vox, the same set up using different mics to see which one suits the singer. Good luck!
Niimo said:
i bought the eq because i've read that they're usefull in tracking and even using the eq to help my monitors provide an acurate flat sound.

No worries, this is a common mistake. There are two kinds of eq - graphic and parametric. GENERALLY, parametric eq's are often more helpul when you're tracking. Graphic eq's are more often used in live situations, to help with your Mains or Monitors.

Also, more often than not, eq'ing when recording happens during mixing, not during tracking. When tracking the idea is to get the best dry recording of your signal possible using mic techinique and positioning. Often when tracking is done would be the best time to use eq, compression, reverb and other effects to help in the mixing process.

Hope that helps, and although I understand your anger, taking that tone with Kenny wasn't the best way to make yourself understood.

didn't mean to come off angry

First off Kenny, my apologies upon rereading my post i can understand how i came off sounding aggressive. that wasn't my intention. thanks for everybody's helpfull pointers. they answered some of the questions i had that i couldn't find the answer to via searching. so if anyone is in the forgiving mood i still ask my original question, if anyone could recomend some good threads i could read so i don't have to bother you pros with dumb beginner questions.

Niimo said:
if anyone could recomend some good threads i could read so i don't have to bother you pros with dumb beginner questions.

Read the Newbie section, the Mic section, The Rack section, the Recording Methods section, and spend time...don't just try one search...try looking for more general things. Like if you want to know about 2 channel tube preamps, don't title only search "2 channel tube preamps", try 'tube pre', '2 channel pre'. 'dual pre', 'dual tube pre', and then read all the posts. Sometimes, there's just no answer...and then you make your post. For your posts, always explain you plan, your current setup, the limits and abilities you have (as in, I'm in Russia and all we get is Oktava, or I can spend up to 300 - but no more cause then my russian wife will leave me for some kid in the Ukraine...) you get my point? Hope it helps,

Well, I'm not used to dealing with a total newbie, which I assume you are.....I'm assuming you have no experience recording anything? Is that correct? Do you play an instrument? Any experience making any kind of sound at all? Electric Keyboard? Electric Guitar? etc..... or are you a complete beginner?

If the answer is "Yes, I'm a total beginner!" then I would suggest something for you that I have never suggested to anybody......

You might have better luck if you first go to the bookstore and get one of those "Home Recording for Dummies" books. No offense, there really is such a book at the book store. I'm not sure of the exact title, but a book like that seems like a great start for someone who is really a total beginner. It can explain all of those "silly dumbass questions" that a lot of beginners may have, like what is meant by tip-ring-sleeve, or what is xlr, or what does a preamp do, what is phantom power, should I mic it or go direct in, or why would I use a compressor, or how do I eq a vocal track, etc.etc...

I dont know how much or how little you already know, and I dont usually recommend reading books and trade mags, hands on experimenting is preferred, but in your case - if you really are totally new to this - it might help you quite a bit.

Also, there are 3 or 4 forums online that may have bits and pieces of the information you need. No single forum will have everything you need to know about your specific gear list, but if you search several forums and you are able to put two and two together pretty well, you should be able to extrapolate useful informtaion that will allow you to look at your own gear and figure out what each thing does. No two pieces of gear are identical (unless one is a Behringer copy of another! LOL!!) but they are similar enough that you can figure them out after you get used to the common signal routings and the common terminology.

Harmony Central is a runaway zoo, but if you can sift thru the crap and the potty mouth stuff, there is some very good information buried in there somewhere.

The Recording Project is much mellower, but has several knowledgable people and a good history of informative threads.

Tascam Forums is a good place to learn a few tricks. Dont be fooled by the Tascam-specific nature of the place, there is plenty of good info there that you can adapt to your own uses, and some extremely knowledgable pro and semi-pro people hanging out there.

Sound On Sound has a lot of good info and articles, but you'll have to hunt for it.

Do a Google on "PA Bible" or "sound reinforcement".....Shure has a PA Bible, EV has one, and there is one from another company. They are aimed at doing live sound, but live sound has many principles and applications that can be translated to the studio, especially the basic terms and basic signal routing stuff.

EV PA Bible

Shure Educational

One last tip......I've noticed that the weakest link in the quality of most forums guessed it...... the Search function. Searching and search logic is almost a fine science in and of itself. (Why do you think the two guys who started Google are getting so rich??) So try to be lenient with your searches.....instead of searching for "DOD 430 QX" try just searching for "graphic eq" or "parametric eq". The more generalized your search is the more results you'll get to sift thru. And, like jkokura says, make sure you are searching full text, not just titles or subject lines.

Hope this helps you start out on the right track....... (pun intended!)
thank you very much. i think my problem was, i didn't know what to search for. thats alot of material to read so i'll see you guys in a few months and i'll try and win my little green chicklet back.