So here's my $520 Beginner Studio...Feedback??


New member
i am new to recording and am just about to buy my first equipment to begin working. so here's what i have

Sennheiser HD280 Pro Headphones - $120
M-Audio Audiophile 2496 Sound Card - $100
M-Audio DMP3 Preamps - $180
MXL 3000 Condenser Mic - $120

i have a Dell Pentium 4, 1GB Ram that i will solely use for recording...and yes i don;t have monitors in my budget as of yet....but they will come in soon..i plan to use the headphones for mixing (i know i'm crazy for this) plus my roommate already complains about my music with ordinary pc i might as well learn more with this until i get a place on my own...i have a few books to help me get started on this as well and 1 of them recommended the Sennheiser HD280 Pro Headphones is very tolerable for mixing.

anyways , u guys pls let me know what u think of these setting to begin with or any adjustments i can make with my budget...thanks
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you'll need monitors right away, at least some decent pc speakers to start with. But monitors are a big piece of it, some pro's say its the most important piece.

maybe M-Audio BX5 to start out? There's been some used BX8's for $225pair at my local pawn for a long time. get a M-Audio system going.:D

Looks like some fun! nice setup.
Sounds like you got a good start.

One thing I do is burn a copy of my song to a CD-RW (CD-RW is so I can erase it and do it again after I've fixed some things.) and listen to in the car and on other systems.

Montiors will help your mix a cut back on a lot of the guess work you'll have to do in the headphones.