Snare ringing?


New member
Hi all,
Our drummer has just bought a new Tama drum kit. However the snare sounds "metallic" with a ring to it. We have tried tuning to no avail although we don't have much experience!
Is this just the way this particular snare sounds or is there a way of getting it more "hissy" than "ringy"!! The old snare had a nice hissy snare sound

Cheers for any advice

i was having the same problem, and i didnt want to put tape all over the head. a guy at the music store suggested an evans genera dry head, and it works great. it has a built in muffle ring and tiny vent hole's around the edge(this is a batter side head).

im sure there are other heads that will do the same thing , but this is what i went with, and it did the trick.

hope this helps.


You can also try stuff called Moon Gel. Kind of like flat gummy bears you can position on a drum head to deaden ring without killing the sound of the drum. The best muffling I've ever used.
moon gel??


moon gel, i'll have to give that stuff a shot next time. you learn about something new every day.:D

do they have this stuff at mar's??


o rings always get messed up or something....try that moon gel stuff it works great(if its the same thing i'm thinking of) you just put it on the drum, any drum and it'll just stick there. I've also seen people put them on cymbals to control volume and tone control.
You can get Moon Gel at any reasonably stocked drum counter. I like it much better than those muffle rings. With the Moon gel pads, you can move them around to get just the right amount of muffle - from alomost none to lots. Very versatile.
I'll second the recommendation for the Evans Genera Dry head. I use it on one of my snares and it works very well.
I kind of like a bit of a metalic ring on my snare sometimes. But sometimes tuning one lug a little higher or lower can make the ring disappear. But then I usually use pinstripes and powerstrokes and other heads that have muffling built into them.
I would suggest buying an Aquarian O-Ring, I have a set of them for my drumset and I absolutely loved the result I got with them. Moon Gel, can be good if you want to muffle the sound of the snare, it won't necessarily take all the ring out. Moon Gel and O-Rings are two entirely different products that will deliver different results, you should not compare the two. Hope that helps.
elevate said:
I'll second the recommendation for the Evans Genera Dry head. I use it on one of my snares and it works very well.

I'm gonna have to agree with this one.....these heads (Evans Genera Dry) are great for controlling the snares extra overtones or 'ring' and you don't have anything sitting on top of the head (O-rings)...there is an 'O-type' ring builit in to the head