snapshots in Sonar


New member
does anybody else here have problems taking automation "snapshots" in Sonar 3?

I can take the beginning one, but it doesn't seem to save it if I make another snapshot...pretty frustrating. I've got to program a lot of mutes, so I was hoping for an 'easy way out' and snapshots seemed to be the way. Maybe I'm just going about it all wrong?
hmmm i have never used snapshots (actually i didn't even know about it) but maybe you could draw a volume track envelope and bring it all the way down to 0 when you want the track muted?
I think snapshots are completely dependent on the "NOW TIME". Wherever you are in a song the snapshot saves only that spot. Go to the place where your mute begins, mute it, and snapshot it. Then go to the place where mute should be removed, remove it, and snapshot again. I think that's right.
That's my understanding, but it's a pain in the arse and I can't stand it.

I just group and arm for automation all the mute buttons on the Track View and then record the in's and out's from there as I can see what is coming.
