Snap, Crackle and Pop

GraFx Pro

New member
I play wav files and all I get Rice Crispies and some times playing CD.

I know that this has been asked alot. I have been looking for the threads on this Q.

Some one send me in the right direction.......PLEASE!!!

Thanks in advance.....
Check out the Cubase forum. There is a very in depth thread in there explaining how to track down and sort out pop-problems.

That is unless you have an Athlon with the VIA chipset, in which case you have to get a new processor and motherboard, just like me. :(
Neil Ogilvie said:
That is unless you have an Athlon with the VIA chipset, in which case you have to get a new processor and motherboard, just like me. :(

Please do not spread untrue things like this. There are CERTAIN chipsets that may or may not work optimal with CERTAIN sound cards or other hardware. Please do not generalize, it'll spread a wrong impression about things.
