Smallest Control room?


New member
What's the SMALLEST control room that it is practical to have monitors in?

Right now, I've got a one room studio - no seperate control room. However, it may get to the point where I'll get up the energy to finish the basement - which isn't THAT big either (after the workshop, furnace, washer/dryer, etc)

So, if I've got a space, total say 25' by 30', what's the best way to split that up? Obviously, I'll want to insulate as much as possible - and probably put a 2nd wall inside the existing ones since there are noisy things in the basement.

The ceilings are LOW in the basement too (fortunately, .ca doesn't have as fascist building codes as .us, so I'm actually allowed to finish it if I want) but it might hurt the sound.

Is that you Chris and Margaret..are you about send me some updates?? ;)

Look - the smallest room I've built was in a bedroom maybe 12' x 8'

We soffit mounted a pair of JBL4311s with timber surround and angled forward, had an angled timber compression ceiling in the front and we lined the rear wall and the rear ceiling with cloth over rockwool.

I tell you what - It was a great sounding room. The smaller the room the more treatment you require. Look at sjoko's big control room, it's huge and he needs less treatment than you would need for a small room. ;)

Heh. Well, I do have some updates, but just for the bedroom studio - it now has more gear and I might actually add a scary picture of myself.

The basement studio is still a maybe at this point - it depends on whether we're going to fix up this house then sell it, or fix up this house then live in it :) The room the studio is in now will eventually need to be a kid's room so I will have to move the studio. I'd love to be able to add a control room when I do so, and from the sound of things that will actually be practical. Though there is a low beam running through that space - I may make where that beam runs the dividing point (the height where the beam is drops to under 6 feet, so putting a wall there just means you need to duck to go through the door :)

Ponder, ponder. Anyways, I'll be taking some pictures tonight of the bedroom studio and try to get them scanned and up to you.