Small waveforms on cubas 4

Sean Conway

New member
I have recorded my drum kit using my zoom hd 16. When I import the tracks into cubas the waves are tiny and hard to see. I have tried making the tracks larger on screen but even at max size its still small (the tracks were recorded with a good amount of gain so I don't think that could be the problem. Can anyone help with this?
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Idk about cubase 4 specifically, but by "larger on screen" do you mean you are clicking on the left side of the track and dragging down to stretch them? This won't change the size of the wave in relation to the track size. In C5 there's a little bar in the upper right hand corner that adjusts the wave form size. Maybe it's the same?

In this picture, it's just to the right of the only track in this project. Move the triangle about the "^" up and it will increase the size.
Thanks for that sixer. Yes I was just stretching them so i could see them better, you were right anyway it was the slider in the top righthand corner. I am new to cubase so its great to have people like yourself to help out.
Sure! I was there once too! Cubase is a massive program with about 3 trillion abilities and i feel like i find something new everyday. Usually from watching people in tutorials on PT or something and then i wonder, can I do that too?! Usually you can, it's just a matter of using the right google terms haha