Small Marshall extension cab (1x10)


New member
So I bust open this little marshall cab that's been sitting in a corner for 10 years and discover it has a celestion G10D-25 (16 ohms/25 watt?:confused:) in it.

I have a little shitty 15 watt Crate amp that the speaker sounds like complete ass (imagine that) @ 4 ohms (so I assume the Crate should output around 4 ohms.)

Should I wire them in parallell and slightly decrease impedance (down to 3.2 ohms), or wire in series (increase it to 20 ohms)?

*EDIT* Just wanted to point out that "no" is not the answer I am hoping for here! :D
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If the speaker in the Crate already sounds like crap, why don't you just swap the crappy speaker for the Celestion? I can't think of a good reason to combine a good speaker and a bad one.
If the speaker in the Crate already sounds like crap, why don't you just swap the crappy speaker for the Celestion? I can't think of a good reason to combine a good speaker and a bad one.
Me neither, but I didn't know if the impedance difference would make much of a difference in a small SS amp... :confused:

I guess to split hairs, the parameters are adjusted to between 3.2 & 16 ohms, when the load originally spec'ed by crate is 4 ohms....