Smack your beats up.


New member
Put your drum loops or drum hits through a loudness maximizer in peak and fix the desired gain from 6.0 to 12.0.After this ,if your using a loop that is,take it over to recycle and cut before reconstructing in cubse.Once in cubase compress E.G Attack 50ms,Release 0.25s,Ratio 5-10:1and Gain reduction about 5 to 15db and dont forget to drive the signal as hot as u can,without going into the red that is before you go through the compressor.Also,set compressor to hard,stand back,set volume to loud and watch your bird piss her pants.After this go check your penis in the bathroom.Im sure iv put on an inch.

Er... adolph - buddy... what makes you think those settings are going to apply to ALL signals equally, hmmm????

There's no such thing as blanket settings that gives everyone hard-ons - and its especially difficult to give female engineers hard-ons (they don't have the gear! ;) )
Outboard processing is dependent on the context of the signal 100% of the time, so it's USELESS to quote specifics as you have just done..........

Right... so if you know anything more than a newbie, that makes you a snob....

Do you know how I know you're a novice at this??? Because of the blanket "settings" you decided to throw out....

2nd........ outboard or plug-in doesn't matter.... there's no such thing as a catch-all setting...............

Gimme a fuckin' break............


Blue Beard

Blue bear take it easy mate its only a forum.Be a grown up and dont bother replying to me if it cuts u up that much.
Awww, man!

The Bear is no snob (not TOO much of one anyway...hee hee) and he's got a point. You gotta be careful giving out settings is all.....too many people take that shit literally and the next thing you's bad info passed all over the place. At least try to preface it with something like: "Settings may vary,etc.

Sure, it seems like common sense but not everyone has it.


PS I guess now that C7 is getting some again, he's suddenly an expert on the female anatomy.....or maybe he feels better thinking of it as a hard on....Monty would call you a fag, you know:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D