Sm57LC for Vocals


New member

Guitar Ctr. has the SM57LC on sale for 79.99
w/boom stand. I've used them for miking amps,
how would they work for vocals.

Thanks for any input;
I think they're a great vocal mic in live situations, but less so for recording. A condenser will out perform them in this application most every time. Not always but mostly.
that's a pretty good price though, in my opinion... mine came for i think the same price and it had a cable but no stand at all, let alone a boom stand...

for recording, a sm57 usually isn't the best choice (however, their are always exceptions) for vocals... but sm57's are commonly used by serious studios on lots of things (guitar cabs and snare drums most commonly i think)... they may not be the best of everything, but i can vouch that a sm57 is a great tool when miking a guitar cab
That's the same deal I got on a SM57 from Sam Ash last year. I use it on amps and I also used it for vocals before I got my condensers (AKG C1000S and AT 4033/SM). It did the job while I needed it to.

However the condensers, especially the AT, do a much better job on vocals. I mostly use the AKG as a second mic for vocals and acoustic.

If you want to spring for a condenser most people here would probably suggest a Rode NT1 if you're on a really low budget (under $200). If you can go higher a lot of people here would also suggest Oktava's, as long as you only buy them from The Sound Room (a quality control issue).