SM57 Users Come Together Over Me!!!


The verse hides in the mix, so you're inclined to turn it up to hear it, then the chorus comes along and blows you out of your seat. Other than that, it's okay. ;)
Great, then I achieved the intended effect;)

It's one of three songs that will be remixed by Charles Dye in March, so I'm excited to see what he'll achieve with it.

Thanks for taking the time to respond
sounds pretty damn nice to me!

i'm listening on headphones, so don't hold me to anything, but it seems like the verses (vocals) are a little burried.

the drums sound pretty good. how'd you mic them?

i like the change ups...nice tune and great recording!
I'd say this sounds impressive no matter what mic's you used. Knowing that it's the three you specified, I'm blown away. You've just raised my thoughts of the sm57. I need to use mine to it's full potential. What pre-amps did you use, as they can make a big difference, especially with dynamic mic's.

By the way - the song is freakin' cool.
Hi Guys,
Thank you for the responses. This thread had died two weeks ago with only 3 neglected to check it anymore.

Alright, heres the info you all probably want.

Drums- recorded with a 4 mic Glyn Johns setup. These were recorded by a friend in a real studio running through a TAC scorpion board. The mics were a sennheiser 421 coming from the sidetom, a 57 on snare and I believe possibly a 47fet out in front of the kit. There was also a mic placed about 12 feet back and 10 feet up in the air...gave it some grit that I really liked.

Bass- Fender jazz std. recorded direct into a mp1nv

Clean/Dirt Electric Guitars- SG into 1959 Marshall Plexi miced with one Shure 545 into great river mp1nv then distressor..Usually opto for clean and just a touch of 2:1 for dirt.

Vocals- Shure 545 into Great River then the distressor. BGVs got Opto, lead got 6:1

Acoustic Guitars- C42 into great river, distressor

Mellotron strings were from a sample cd

No reverb on vocals...maybe a tad on some BGVs. Mostly used delay for space. Mixed in Logic using Event 20/20 and minimus 7s.
It's going to be remixed by Charles Dye in March.

Hope this helps. I love the 57 and 545. They are absolutely essential to my recording and get used more often then my u195, c42, and in the past my 84s.

Thanks again for the listen,

A new track using the same above will be posted on the site shortly.