sm-57's for overheads

les666paul said:
what do you guys think about sm-57's for OH's

if not what's a good mic to use for this

I`ve used sm58 for overheads, but I would recomend a condenser of some sort.
Depending on your budget; mxl 603 are cheap and good for the money.
studio projects b1 is also good, and mxl v67g also does the job.

anyway thats the ones I`ve used :)
They will do the trick well enough if your room sucks. I used them as OH's on a kit in my concrete basement and they worked better than my LDC.
I wouldn't recommend using 57's at all. They have a nasty off axis sound. Get a pair of Octava MC012's. $69 each
Condensors are usually preferable. But with your kit in your room, who knows? If you have a bunch of 57s, try them out. You might need to tickle up the highs