Slowing down the tempo of mp3


New member
My friend told me that he read on the net how you can select a portion of a mp3 in Cool edit and slow down the tempo of that portion. However he does not know where he read it. I am trying to learn some solos and thought this would be a good way to learn them.

I have Cool Edit and I know how to insert a mp3 and select a portion of the song but I do not know how to slow down the tempo. Can someone help me please? Thanks in advance.
Effects | Time/Pitch | Stretch
Select for Time Stretch
Choose amount...

Gliding stretch if that is what you want....

You'll get from here...

perottols suggestion will work, but it will sound terrible...

They only advantage to doing this would be for a special effect (lots of folks do this to drums loops) or if you wanted to slow down a guitar riff so you play along (or something along those lines)...
