Slaving DAW from 3 Head Deck


New member
Not as easy to do as a 2 head deck? Seems like I have to play everything back from the sync head to have it be in time with tracks mixed to the DAW. Which is not good on the Ampex because sync is not as clean or eq'd as repro.
I wouldn't have thought this would be a problem. If you're trying to record, the playback quality isn't going to matter, and if you're trying to mix down, it should work with everything coming off the repro head.

The only time I can see it going bad is if you need to monitor both the record head and the playback head at the same time, but I can't think of a situation where that would be the only possible way of doing it.
You're probably right. I'm sort of confused trying to think about it, but after I mixed down the first tracks to the daw then I recorded a new track on tape in sync with the daw, I had to switch it to sync on the tape to have it play back in time with the daw tracks. If I put it in repro I think it was behind time. I'm not sure if I accidentally mixed the first tracks in sync or not or if that could have been the problem. Confusing.
Unfortunately I don't think this is going to work out anyway. There's too much fluctuation with the ampex. This is a surprise. Never had this problem before.

I wonder if I try erasing the adjacent track.