Singer seeking vocal job - Want to work together on a musicproject?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Maria Melody
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Maria Melody

Maria Melody

New member
Hi, I’m a independent singer-songwriter, just started in the begging of this year 2021, I have released two songs. I now seek for music producers whom would be interested of working together in music projects. If you think my voice can fit in one of your songs you have music produce, please you are most deeply welcome to contact me, I search for vocal jobs and would be very thankful to hear from you. The type of music I myself have produced and is singing is worship songs, I enjoy very much to sing songs with a classical music orchestra theme but also some other genres as well as modern pop or ancient sound genres. Welcome to listen to my voice here:

Maria   Bencic artist photo 2021..webp

Have a lovely day!

/Maria Bencic
